Friday, May 30, 2008

Working case of senioritis

Notice how high school kids and all kids in general get really antsy toward the end of spring? And how high school seniors could care less about anything not txt worthy? Welcome to my life today.

I'm taking my first vacation in three years and I leave exactly a week from today. And I could care less about anything and everything not related to NY.

I think I'm even on vacation mode when it comes to eating because I had no problem scarfing down a piece of pizza or two and slice of cookie cake at my office pizza par-tay today. WTF? I always do that on vacation. Like somehow since I'm in another state, there are no calories.

My life right now consists of two categories...before new york and during new york. If you're trying to talk to me about anything else, you might as well wait until June 12th...when i have the post NY blues and will stare at you as you ramble on at me.

Needless to say, I'm so excited that I might pee a little if I think about it too much.

And then we have Ryan. Ryan hates taking time off of work. He's only called in sick for two half days in the three years we've been dating. He only takes a day off or leaves an hour early on the Fridays that I force him to or threaten his life. And New York is not his destination of choice (even though he has never been)

I can't possibly fathom how any person wouldn't be excited about this trip! All he wants to do is get on Cash Cab. While I would also like this opportunity, I'll be the first to admit that I'm terrible at trivia. The only way we'd win is if my mom and my BFF were along with us. (Look Meg Nasty, I'm linking!)

So if anyone has suggestions on a way to get my dear live-in boyfriend excited, please, don't hesitate!

If not, tell me your favorite thing about New York!! 6 days and counting!!

1 comment:

SuzieQ said...

Hi MC! I saw your link on Lincee's re-cap site. I live in NYC and am trying to think of things for you to do. The Met is having an exhibit on superhero fashion which is supposed to be awesome. Check out for info on tours and that sort of thing if the weather is nice. And not sure if this link will work, but if you go to New York Magazine's website for the "best of," you'll find the best pizza and stuff:
I've only lived here a few weeks, so I'm not that down with the inside stuff, but hopefully that will help! Have a great trip!
