"Those who can DO, those who can't TEACH" ah, isn't that a lovely saying? Doesn't it motivate those educators that are then supposed to motivate our youth?
Most of you don't know that I've decided to pursue teaching. And to answer your question, yes..I started this process before I got laid off.
One of my best friends called me in July to discuss the possibility of teaching and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. That phone call was a blessing. She gave me the final push I needed to get this process started, something I'd been thinking about for several years.
I was accepted into the program and am already halfway thru my content course.
I'm so excited about molding young minds....hahaha.
So here is my challenge to each of you. Think back to your best and worst teachers. I want to know what each of them did to make them the best or the worst.
Mine...Mrs. Tull in 3rd grade taught me creativity, passion and a love for animals.
Mrs. M* in 7th grade math made me hate math and fear it for the rest of my education. (I might end up teaching math to prevent this in the future)
I had too many great teachers to name....so do me a favor...next time you meet a teacher, instead of giving them a look of pity for accepting such a tiny salary, shake their hand and thank them for devoting their lives to what they do. Happy Tuesday everyone!
I can't remember her name, but my junior year English teacher told me I was wrong and didn't even know how to read when I answered a question in class. My oh so mature reply was "what does that say about you? you're my english teacher."
Mr. Cangelosi, junior year Biology. He made it fun, we laughed while learning.
I have had so many amazing teachers as role models for education and life. Congrats on picking such great new career.
I wanna be in your class.
MC, this is great news! What a good direction for you. And a great idea to ask about teachers...
My best teacher - by far - was my high school French teacher. Our class was the most advanced French class in the school, but we also had great chemistry as a group. Even though we weren't all friends outside the classroom, inside we were very tight-knit. Our teacher strayed from the curriculum (and our AP test prep) every Friday by assigning us a journal topic. We would write on the topic the night before, and on Fridays we would sit in a circle on the floor, he would light a candle for the middle of the circle (sounds cheesy but it was amazing), and whoever wanted to read their journal entries would. It was all in French.
Even though my French has gone down the tubes since then, I will NEVER forget that class. I gained so much confidence, and respect for my classmates and teacher. It was awesome.
Best of luck! Keep us posted!
Cheers, Jen
I think the most impactful teachers I had through the years were those that taught more than just the subject of the class.
Our high school football coach that taught US History, pounding into our heads weekly the premise of "Better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
My junior year english teacher that taught us elements of epics like the odessey, iliad, dante; who then one day told us the bible itself could be considered simply an epic.. Blowing my little high school mind but sending me on quite a journey to figure that one out..
My high school astronomy teacher, mrs. monroe, who taught us all sorts of universal mysteries, some solved and some unsolved, that really opened our minds, provoked our imaginations, and taught us to think bigger.
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