Saturday, January 31, 2009

Okay Okay...I admit it!

I gave in. I'd heard the rumors and I wasn't going to be one of "those people"...much like my childhood when I refused to join in the histeria that was being a New Kids on the Block fan. I still have the one unopened cassette tape that I was given.

Yet this month, my will was not as strong.

I am now in the midst of a full on Stephanie Meyer obsession. Thats right, friends. I read Twilight in 3 days, New Moon in 2 and I'm 200 pages into the third book (which I started this morning). I saw the movie last night and am already sad at the thought that soon, there will be nothing left to read.

It was embarassing to be reading the same book as the students I've been teaching and I absolutely kept the cover out of view.

All that said, let me remind you that I'm not one to get lost in a book. Sometimes it can take me months to finish a book. This was not this case with this series. I highly recommend it and love every page!

1 comment:

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

I know, me too! I read it just because my 10 year old daughter was asking to. I read the first one in two days and just finished the fourth yesterday. And, NO, I did not allow my daughter to read it! Now I'm going to have to go see the movie too!