Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary to ME!

Today is my one year anniversary. My first anniversary with my job. A year ago, I thankfully and gladly started a completely new position with a completely new company in a completely new industry. Did I make that point??? Completely??

I was referred by a friend's husband and his recruiting company who thought I would be perfect for the job and the company. I will forever be in-debted to them because gosh darnit, they were right. "for taking a chance...on an unknown kid" movie reference.......anyone know it?

I digress. So it's my one year anniversary and it feels kinda wierd. Maybe its because I came from a job that just didnt fit for numerous reasons. Or maybe it's because I didn't know that companies or bosses existed like the ones where I now call home. Regardless, my message to you is that if you're in a place where you aren't motivated, you aren't inspired and you aren't appreciated.....GET OUT!!!!

Get out, explore new possibilities because you might just find that right fit that allows you to be completely inappropriate while creating an environment where you enjoy working and being a part of something truly great.

They Do Exist!!!

Happy Anniversary Me! I think I'll make you dinner tonight!

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