After I blogged yesterday about appreciating my age and the things I've learned, I went to the local high school during lunch. BF and I are going to the football game tonight and I needed to get tickets. Normally we buy them at the stadium but this is a fairly big game so I wanted to get them early. Now keep in mind that I went to high school with 172 other people in my class, probably a little over 600 in the entire school. This is BF's high school and he graduated with over 1500 in his class alone! Needless to say, it's quite a bit larger.
So, I call the school to find out where to buy tickets and where the office is located on the campus (over 7 buildings, each larger than my school). I arrive and quickly ask the first student I see to verify that I'm headed to the right set of doors. I enter and realize that I've arrived in the middle of the passing period as there are hundreds of students bumping into me and racing around me.
And these aren't the students that I went to high school with. I'm dressed for work and I'm underdressed compared to these kids. The girls have on heels and adorable straight-out-of-vogue outfits on, the boys have polos and popped collars, there are no backpacks in sight but they all have blackberrys and iphones!!! Is this 90210?? (starts Tuesday by the way Can.Not.Wait)
I finally find the student affairs office and wait for the student in front of me to finish. When it was my turn, I told the lady that I needed 2 football tickets.
"Student?" she said.
"Haha, oh I love that. No, 2 adults. Thanks"
At this time, the bell rings and students in the halls hurry off to class. I'm so relieved that I won't have to dodge them as I leave the school. As I'm putting the tickets away, another bell rings. I'd forgotten that there are two bells...the bell to tell you to get to class and then the tardy bell.
Anyway, I thank the nice lady, head out of the office (relieved that I'm the only one in the hall and I can now exhale) when I hear someone yelling at the students.
Things like "Miss, you need to get to class."
I can so remember being late to class and hoping I got there before the tardy bell.
And then I hear it again.
At this point I turn around to see what idiot isn't moving fast enough. I realize that idiot is...ME!!
"Are you talking to me?" I ask.
"Um, YES. MISS, you are late, YOU NEED TO GET TO CLASS NOW" he sternly states.
[Insert laughter here]
Thats right kids, I was mistaken for a high school kid. After regaining my composure, I thank the gentleman for the compliment, explain that I'm not a student, just here on my lunch break, and quickly leave the school. A little lighter in my step, in fact, I think I might've skipped once or twice.
Motto of this story: If you're feeling sassy and put together, go visit your local high school, they'll show you up. If you're feeling overwhelmed, go visit your local high school during passing period, you might die. If you're feeling old, go visit your local high school, nothing like getting yelled at by a teacher to make you feel younger!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Po Po Patrol
On my drive home yesterday I noticed 3 police officers standing at the end of my street. Thankfully I was going the speed limit and I was very pleased to see that they were running radar on people driving down the cross street. I quietly laughed to myself as I realized that I'm at the point in my life where I appreciate the police presence instead of hide from it.
Now I don't consider myself to be old by any means...BUT...I have noticed that I am older and with that age/time, has come the appreciation for different things.
So here, my friends, is a top 10 list for you.
Top 10 Things I appreciate NOW, that I didn't THEN
10. I appreciate the law and I respect it. In my younger years, I was always fearful of getting in trouble. I didn't really do much that warranted this fear other than speeding. Now I appreciate it when I see a police officer driving thru my neighborhood or several of them having a meal at a local restaurant. It gives me peace of mind.
9. I appreciate the look of a nicely manicured lawn. I secretly wish we had an HOA because I think I could win that award every once in awhile and because that guy a few streets down would NOT be able to have all of that crap in his yard.
8. I appreciate the news. Not because I used to work in TV, but because I actually enjoy knowing what is going on in the world (unless its a story about an animal being hurt, and in that case, i don't want to know)
7. I appreciate low gas prices. My parents used to always play a little game in the car where they'd teach me to point out low gas prices...I still don't know how they made that fun, but it was...and I play that game every day!
6. I appreciate coffee. I used to love waking up to the smell of it but I never liked the taste of it. I never drank coffee until I started working and experienced such a thing as an 8am sales meeting. Now I have coffee everymorning.
5. I appreciate photos. When I was younger, even in college, I always wanted to be IN the photos but I never took any. Because of this, I have very few photos of my college years as my mom wasn't there to take them and I didn't shell out the $5 for every party time sorority photo.
4. I appreciate the wisdom of others. Now, more than ever, I wish I could sit down with each of my grandparents and talk candidly with them about everything under the sun. Most of those questions start with, "How did you handle, how did you get thru, how did you know?"
3. I appreciate my education. I think the 4 years (okay 5) of college allowed me time and room to grow. I respect anyone who started working straight out of high school because there is no way I would've had the discipline to be a good employee. I learned so much about life and who I wanted to be. Most of what I learned from college wasn't in the classroom.
2. I appreciate good food and fine wine. I remember the days when we would eat anything if it was free and drink anything if it was alcohol (seriously, natty light? what were we thinking?) I don't always spring for the "good" wine but I definitely have a preference for what I like and I won't just drink anything I find. And now that I enjoy cooking so much, I appreciate it any time we go out to eat and I know that someone worked hard to put that food on my plate.
And the number one thing I appreciate NOW, that I didn't THEN
1. I appreciate a budget and a sound financial mind. So many of my friends do not make smart choices when it comes to their finances. I hate to see/hear that and I wish I could help but financial stability will only develop when you're ready to be disciplined. Current BF could write a book on financial responsibility and I'm lucky enough to be in a situation where he's able to rub off on me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not rich at all but if you ever need pointers on where to pinch and save, I've got a ton!
Now I don't consider myself to be old by any means...BUT...I have noticed that I am older and with that age/time, has come the appreciation for different things.
So here, my friends, is a top 10 list for you.
Top 10 Things I appreciate NOW, that I didn't THEN
10. I appreciate the law and I respect it. In my younger years, I was always fearful of getting in trouble. I didn't really do much that warranted this fear other than speeding. Now I appreciate it when I see a police officer driving thru my neighborhood or several of them having a meal at a local restaurant. It gives me peace of mind.
9. I appreciate the look of a nicely manicured lawn. I secretly wish we had an HOA because I think I could win that award every once in awhile and because that guy a few streets down would NOT be able to have all of that crap in his yard.
8. I appreciate the news. Not because I used to work in TV, but because I actually enjoy knowing what is going on in the world (unless its a story about an animal being hurt, and in that case, i don't want to know)
7. I appreciate low gas prices. My parents used to always play a little game in the car where they'd teach me to point out low gas prices...I still don't know how they made that fun, but it was...and I play that game every day!
6. I appreciate coffee. I used to love waking up to the smell of it but I never liked the taste of it. I never drank coffee until I started working and experienced such a thing as an 8am sales meeting. Now I have coffee everymorning.
5. I appreciate photos. When I was younger, even in college, I always wanted to be IN the photos but I never took any. Because of this, I have very few photos of my college years as my mom wasn't there to take them and I didn't shell out the $5 for every party time sorority photo.
4. I appreciate the wisdom of others. Now, more than ever, I wish I could sit down with each of my grandparents and talk candidly with them about everything under the sun. Most of those questions start with, "How did you handle, how did you get thru, how did you know?"
3. I appreciate my education. I think the 4 years (okay 5) of college allowed me time and room to grow. I respect anyone who started working straight out of high school because there is no way I would've had the discipline to be a good employee. I learned so much about life and who I wanted to be. Most of what I learned from college wasn't in the classroom.
2. I appreciate good food and fine wine. I remember the days when we would eat anything if it was free and drink anything if it was alcohol (seriously, natty light? what were we thinking?) I don't always spring for the "good" wine but I definitely have a preference for what I like and I won't just drink anything I find. And now that I enjoy cooking so much, I appreciate it any time we go out to eat and I know that someone worked hard to put that food on my plate.
And the number one thing I appreciate NOW, that I didn't THEN
1. I appreciate a budget and a sound financial mind. So many of my friends do not make smart choices when it comes to their finances. I hate to see/hear that and I wish I could help but financial stability will only develop when you're ready to be disciplined. Current BF could write a book on financial responsibility and I'm lucky enough to be in a situation where he's able to rub off on me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not rich at all but if you ever need pointers on where to pinch and save, I've got a ton!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
What if..
This week I've read some pretty devastating stories. Stories that made me ache for those involved, stories that made me want to help.
One particular story was gut wrenching and involved someone else who was in a similar situation to me and experienced one of my biggest fears. And she was asking for help. Financially.
She had posted a link where anyone could donate to help her get thru this tough time, if they so desired. I immediately got out my credit card to help. But for some reason, I couldn't get myself to click on the "Donate" button.
I didn't donate and for that, I'm ashamed. But I couldn't help asking myself all of those "What if" questions. What if this is a scam? What if the donation website isn't legit? What if they take out more than I allocated? What if it sets me up for recurring withdrawl? What if I get my identity stolen?
All of these paranoid thoughts kept me from helping this person. And it got me thinking. I've volunteered for many charitable causes and tried to get donations. I've been at the mall, trying to stop those who are walking by with a flyer, on the phone trying to get someone to listen and not hang up and even at your door, trying to get you to buy girl scout cookies. I've often been the one asking people to donate to various causes I've supported...and I've judged those who wouldn't give me the time of day and for turning their backs. And here I am now, in their shoes, and I do the same.
When I worked downtown, I passed homeless people on the street on a daily basis. My friends and family always told me not to give them money by saying "they're faking it" or "they'll use it to buy drugs or alcohol." So instead, I would bring them anything leftover from lunch and I always kept a pack of bottled water in the car to give out. Because frankly, even if they are faking it, even if they are addicted, this is Texas. It's hot, they have a reason for being there and I am a good person.
I've always been the first one to throw stones at selfish people because I never considered myself as selfish, until today.
I've since emailed her for her mailing address so I could mail her a cash donation but I still don't feel good about how much I questioned her. When in reality, the "What If" question that I SHOULD have been asking myself is: What if it happened to me? What if I needed help?
My challenge to you is to not react the same what that I did. Maybe you're not comfortable giving your credit card info either but find a way to help. Because one day, you could be the one in need.
One particular story was gut wrenching and involved someone else who was in a similar situation to me and experienced one of my biggest fears. And she was asking for help. Financially.
She had posted a link where anyone could donate to help her get thru this tough time, if they so desired. I immediately got out my credit card to help. But for some reason, I couldn't get myself to click on the "Donate" button.
I didn't donate and for that, I'm ashamed. But I couldn't help asking myself all of those "What if" questions. What if this is a scam? What if the donation website isn't legit? What if they take out more than I allocated? What if it sets me up for recurring withdrawl? What if I get my identity stolen?
All of these paranoid thoughts kept me from helping this person. And it got me thinking. I've volunteered for many charitable causes and tried to get donations. I've been at the mall, trying to stop those who are walking by with a flyer, on the phone trying to get someone to listen and not hang up and even at your door, trying to get you to buy girl scout cookies. I've often been the one asking people to donate to various causes I've supported...and I've judged those who wouldn't give me the time of day and for turning their backs. And here I am now, in their shoes, and I do the same.
When I worked downtown, I passed homeless people on the street on a daily basis. My friends and family always told me not to give them money by saying "they're faking it" or "they'll use it to buy drugs or alcohol." So instead, I would bring them anything leftover from lunch and I always kept a pack of bottled water in the car to give out. Because frankly, even if they are faking it, even if they are addicted, this is Texas. It's hot, they have a reason for being there and I am a good person.
I've always been the first one to throw stones at selfish people because I never considered myself as selfish, until today.
I've since emailed her for her mailing address so I could mail her a cash donation but I still don't feel good about how much I questioned her. When in reality, the "What If" question that I SHOULD have been asking myself is: What if it happened to me? What if I needed help?
My challenge to you is to not react the same what that I did. Maybe you're not comfortable giving your credit card info either but find a way to help. Because one day, you could be the one in need.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Me llamo Mary.
I've taken 8 years of spanish. From middle school up thru high school. All of that studying and basically I can ask for directions or locations of certain places and I can understand other peoples conversations but not necessarily reply. Oh, and I can understand when people are cursing at me. I received this in an email today from my mom and just about died laughing. I hope you do too. (well..not die, of course, just laugh) Happy Monday!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Open letter To My Easy Drive To Work.
Dear Easy Drive to Work,
I just wanted to say that I'll miss you desperately. We both knew this day was coming and as I'm now over halfway thru my last week with you, I've never appreciated you more. The constant rain this week has made me dread what my future drive to work will be and its anything but YOU....Easy.
I imagine that a week from today, I will be stuck in numorous School Zones and traffic jams, the usual issues one has when school is in session.
So please know, Easy Drive to Work, I've cherised the 2 1/2 months we've spent together. I look forward to your occasional visits during fall break, christmas break and spring break until we're back together next summer.
Until then, I'll be thinking of you every morning and afternoon.
All my love,
I just wanted to say that I'll miss you desperately. We both knew this day was coming and as I'm now over halfway thru my last week with you, I've never appreciated you more. The constant rain this week has made me dread what my future drive to work will be and its anything but YOU....Easy.
I imagine that a week from today, I will be stuck in numorous School Zones and traffic jams, the usual issues one has when school is in session.
So please know, Easy Drive to Work, I've cherised the 2 1/2 months we've spent together. I look forward to your occasional visits during fall break, christmas break and spring break until we're back together next summer.
Until then, I'll be thinking of you every morning and afternoon.
All my love,
Monday, August 18, 2008
You Are Good
This is a shameless plug for an INCREDIBLE program called You Are Good. Check out how adorable these tees are...AND...they support an incredible cause.



From the website:
"You Are Good is an inspirational t-shirt company created to highlight the needs of abused children and the agencies that work tirelessly to make their lives better. This clothing is meant to empower each one of us."
Basically, here's what happens. You buy one of their adorable tees, tanks or thermals with your choice of wings on the back. A portion of every shirt sold goes to benefit children in the CASA program.
And the best part, you can also buy a tee to be delivered to a child in need.
Every tee comes with the following tag:

Please take a minute and check out their website at and support this incredible cause. Buy one for yourself or for a friend....they make GREAT baby shower gifts!



From the website:
"You Are Good is an inspirational t-shirt company created to highlight the needs of abused children and the agencies that work tirelessly to make their lives better. This clothing is meant to empower each one of us."
Basically, here's what happens. You buy one of their adorable tees, tanks or thermals with your choice of wings on the back. A portion of every shirt sold goes to benefit children in the CASA program.
And the best part, you can also buy a tee to be delivered to a child in need.
Every tee comes with the following tag:

Please take a minute and check out their website at and support this incredible cause. Buy one for yourself or for a friend....they make GREAT baby shower gifts!
Friday, August 15, 2008
I got tagged-ABCs of me
So TexasLauren, my new friend thru blogs, tagged me last week and I just figured out what that meant. It seems I'm giving away alot about myself this week, haha. Yay fun!
So here goes...the ABCs of me:
Attached or Single - Attached, (dating 38 months this weekend, haha, drives him crazy when I point out stupid things like that)
Best Friend - Megster. We've been friends for over 25 years...crazy, huh? We'll die together, old, crazy, drunk, and without our teeth.
Cake or Pie - Tough one, I'd have to say Cake. Cookie Cake or the birthday cake my mom makes.
Day of Choice - Day off. I work for vacation days.
Essential item - wow, i dont think i have one. i guess my cell phone. not because it's anything doesnt surf the net, doesnt take pictures, but it allows me to talk to everyone i know while driving.
Favorite color - Green. that funky 70s green.
Gummy bears or worms - Bears. I like to lick the back and stick them on my forehead. yeah, i know.
Hometown - Lets just say Texas.
Indulgence - Wine. I don't care how many calories it has or how many glasses is too many, I work hard and I deserve it.
January or July - January. I love the cold weather.
Kids - Three 4-legged kids (2 dogs, 1 cat) No 2-legged kids yet although my uterus is knocking.
Life isn't complete - without faith, friends and family. (oh and reality tv)
Marriage date - Ugh, I get this on a weekly basis. I have no idea. I don't look that great in white so I'm not too anxious, hah.
Number of brothers/sisters - One brother, one sister, both older. Technically they're half siblings, one from each side, I'm the binding force of the family. Oh and I'm humble, can't you tell?
Oranges or apples - Oranges. My mom squeezes oranges on top of any fruit salad, its great.
Phobias - Myself. I'm afraid that one day everyone will figure out that I'm just full of it.
Quote - "Just because we deserve the best, doesn't mean we're entitled to it." -unknown
Reasons to Smile - I try to smile even when I don't have a reason to, I'm hoping it's infectous.
Season of Choice - Winter. Being from Texas, I love the cold weather because we never get enough of it.
Unknown Fact - I wasn't always this much of a planner and I have no idea how it happened.
Vegetable - green beans or brocolli!
Worst habits - worrying, planning, expecting too much.
Xray or Ultrasound - random question, I've only ever had Xrays or MRIs so I guess Xrays. bones are cool.
Your favorite food - pizza
Zodiac - Aries. No clue what that says about me. Probably that I'm competitive.
Now I'm tagging:
So here goes...the ABCs of me:
Attached or Single - Attached, (dating 38 months this weekend, haha, drives him crazy when I point out stupid things like that)
Best Friend - Megster. We've been friends for over 25 years...crazy, huh? We'll die together, old, crazy, drunk, and without our teeth.
Cake or Pie - Tough one, I'd have to say Cake. Cookie Cake or the birthday cake my mom makes.
Day of Choice - Day off. I work for vacation days.
Essential item - wow, i dont think i have one. i guess my cell phone. not because it's anything doesnt surf the net, doesnt take pictures, but it allows me to talk to everyone i know while driving.
Favorite color - Green. that funky 70s green.
Gummy bears or worms - Bears. I like to lick the back and stick them on my forehead. yeah, i know.
Hometown - Lets just say Texas.
Indulgence - Wine. I don't care how many calories it has or how many glasses is too many, I work hard and I deserve it.
January or July - January. I love the cold weather.
Kids - Three 4-legged kids (2 dogs, 1 cat) No 2-legged kids yet although my uterus is knocking.
Life isn't complete - without faith, friends and family. (oh and reality tv)
Marriage date - Ugh, I get this on a weekly basis. I have no idea. I don't look that great in white so I'm not too anxious, hah.
Number of brothers/sisters - One brother, one sister, both older. Technically they're half siblings, one from each side, I'm the binding force of the family. Oh and I'm humble, can't you tell?
Oranges or apples - Oranges. My mom squeezes oranges on top of any fruit salad, its great.
Phobias - Myself. I'm afraid that one day everyone will figure out that I'm just full of it.
Quote - "Just because we deserve the best, doesn't mean we're entitled to it." -unknown
Reasons to Smile - I try to smile even when I don't have a reason to, I'm hoping it's infectous.
Season of Choice - Winter. Being from Texas, I love the cold weather because we never get enough of it.
Unknown Fact - I wasn't always this much of a planner and I have no idea how it happened.
Vegetable - green beans or brocolli!
Worst habits - worrying, planning, expecting too much.
Xray or Ultrasound - random question, I've only ever had Xrays or MRIs so I guess Xrays. bones are cool.
Your favorite food - pizza
Zodiac - Aries. No clue what that says about me. Probably that I'm competitive.
Now I'm tagging:
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I love you and I hate you
Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories per day
By Chris Chase
After he retires from swimming, Michael Phelps might want to try his hand at competitive eating. The Olympic star recently said he consumes 12,000 calories per day, or 9,500 more than the FDA recommends for an active, young male.
Phelps has to keep his intake up in order to compensate for all the calories he burns during the 30-hours per week he spends in training. He told NBC that an average day might have the following menu:
Breakfast: 3 fried egg sandwiches, 2 cups coffee, 5-egg omlette, bowl of grits, 3 pieces of french toast, 3 chocolate chip pancakes
Lunch: 1 pound pasta, 2 ham and cheese sandwiches, energy drink (1,000 calorie)
Dinner: 1 pound pasta, 1 large pizza, energy drink (1,000 calorie)
Three years ago, Phelps told an interviewer:
"I eat pretty much whatever I want. I don't have a strict diet. It's all about cramming in as many calories into my system as I possibly can. To be honest with you, I have a tough time keeping weight on."
By Chris Chase
After he retires from swimming, Michael Phelps might want to try his hand at competitive eating. The Olympic star recently said he consumes 12,000 calories per day, or 9,500 more than the FDA recommends for an active, young male.
Phelps has to keep his intake up in order to compensate for all the calories he burns during the 30-hours per week he spends in training. He told NBC that an average day might have the following menu:
Breakfast: 3 fried egg sandwiches, 2 cups coffee, 5-egg omlette, bowl of grits, 3 pieces of french toast, 3 chocolate chip pancakes
Lunch: 1 pound pasta, 2 ham and cheese sandwiches, energy drink (1,000 calorie)
Dinner: 1 pound pasta, 1 large pizza, energy drink (1,000 calorie)
Three years ago, Phelps told an interviewer:
"I eat pretty much whatever I want. I don't have a strict diet. It's all about cramming in as many calories into my system as I possibly can. To be honest with you, I have a tough time keeping weight on."
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The making of Me.
So I've ventured away from really writing about the yucky love stuff in order to appeal to a more diverse audience of readers. But who am I kidding, every female has stories to tell so I thought it was time to tell mine. You see, when I write about yucky love, I want it to be funny, entertaining, real and give hope to others. And initially, the only way I thought I could do that was to tell the ultimate love story (with me as the leading lady) and the fairy tale ending we all grew up learning about, thus giving hope that everyone can be as happy as me ( can all stop laughing at me now.) But I don't have that story to tell you.
And then I realized, even though my story is far from perfect, it's truly real and I think it can be funny, entertaining, real and I maybe give hope that we all go thru these hardships and that it's ok. So here goes.
I have been in love 3 different times in my life: Steven, Ben, and Current BF (names have all been changed). (ok really i've been in love hundreds of times...chocolate, michael buble songs, snow skiing, etc... but this is just about being in love with the opposite $ex so go with it.)
I was in high school and funny enough, I thought I had already been in love before him (I hadn't). I don't really know how we met, but he was a senior when I was a junior and I became the girl who wore his letter jacket. I was blissfully happy. It was the time of the innocent love...we were each others first everything and experiencing life together was everything I'd imagined. We didn't do the break up & get back together thing, we just stayed together....for 3 1/2 years! And to be honest, I can't even remember why we ended up breaking up in the end. What I do remember is that it seemed to fizzle and he broke up with me and instead of grieving over that loss, I made the most of my time and quickly found someone new.....Ben. (There's more to Steven's story...stay tuned)
Ben and I met in college about a minute after Steven broke up with me (well, maybe more like a week). We immediately hit it off and started to date. When Steven got word of this, he came back and wanted me again. I quickly turned my nose up to him with a "you snooze you lose" attitude and focused on Ben. Ben was younger than me and wanted to learn what I had to teach him, haha. We got serious quickly and I felt powerful being the older/wiser of the two. I broke up with him after 2 months for about 8 hours...(it was during summer finals, i was stressed and ridiculous and I don't remember why I did it). When I realized I was being dramatic, I went looking for him. When I found him he was in his yard kissing another girl and there was an empty wine bottle on the table. I ran from his house in tears, making it known that I was there so he would see me and come running after me realizing his mistake. Only, he didn't. I ran to the comfort of Stevens arms who was still there for me, but thankfully, I didn't confuse the situation more and Steven and I just stayed friends. The new semester was starting so I felt I had a fresh start.
As soon as school started, Ben came back....begging me. He sent me the most incredible arrangement of roses that I have ever seen to this day. They were salmon pink and so big I thought they were tulips. He romanced me in every way possible to get me back and I eventually gave in. He promised nothing happened with the slut I saw him kissing. (sorry, couldn't resist) After a month he came clean and admitted that he cheated...of course, it was followed by Ross Geller's famous line, "we were on a break" and the only break I validated was my heart breaking.
I stayed with him and I thought about him cheating every day for 6 months. Eventually it became every other day and after a good while, I could go a week without thinking about it. Our relationship healed and we were having a great time...planning a future together. Fast forward 2 years and 9/11 happened. Everything that was secure in my life suddenly seemed upside down. Ben decided to study abroad and I was devastated. We decided that we didn't want to be apart so he asked me to go with him and I did. I think 9/11 had that affect on so many people. Don't get me wrong, I loved him, but I was so terrified of losing him after that...I almost didn't want him to be out of my sight! But, going abroad was the best decision I could've made and I wouldn't have considered it had it not been for Ben. My time there was incredible. When we returned, he proposed in front of my entire family and I happily accepted. This was it! We started planning the wedding, picked out our kids names and lived happily ever after.
That's how I thought this story would end.
After we got engaged, I found a great job that I loved while starting my senior year (5th year, haha) and I began working alot. He was also working but after missing work for the 5th day from playing Halo and losing his license for too many speeding tickets, he got fired. He then starting hanging with friends and met a friend of a friend. Oh yeah, did I mention this friend was a girl? She was from my hometown, 4 years younger than me, played all the same sports, involved in all of the same things. She was ME, just 4 years younger, I call her Mini Me. I challenged this friendship and was told that he wanted to hang out with me during the day but I was too busy working. Gee, how selfish of me! He broke up with me in the middle of a college football game and we decided to take Thanksgiving break to think about if we wanted to be together. When I returned, I told him I wanted to be with him and he told me that she'd shopped with him during the break and she encouraged him to buy cargo pants and he liked that. Weird, right? (back story is we were both about to graduate and I was encouraging him to spend his $ on clothes for upcoming interviews instead of yet another pair of those pants where you'd unzip them below the knee and ABRACADABRA! they were shorts.) Anyhow, as I'm sure you can imagine, it was a very NASTY break up. He tried to call the cops on me for breaking and entering when I was moving out and tried to sue me to get the ring back. It was BAD.
When it was over, I called Steven. He'd since graduated and moved away and was there for me yet again. I realized that I'd never gotten over Steven and now I had 2 lost loves to mend from. I swore off dating until I knew what I wanted. Six months later, after graduation, I left my pain behind me and happily moved away, excited for the next chapter of my life. (Ben and Mini Me continued dating for a few years and eventually broke up, I don't know if he cheated or not...and I don't care).
After about a year of living in a new city, I thought I was ready to move on.
I was working a great job that paid me nothing but had great potential and was really fun. I dated here and there, mostly first dates, but dates none the less. I'd put Ben behind me and Steven and I were still friends. We'd considered giving it another go but we never acted on it. Then one day, I get a call from Steven's new girlfriend. She hates me and decides to involve me in one of their was a ridiculous few days...and then, after all of those years, Steven and my friendship was over. I had nothing to do with it, I hadn't even really talked to him in awhile, but she was insanely jealous of our friendship and hated me. And to be honest, what girl hasn't been jealous of her guy's ex....I thought she was a crazy psycho but kinda understood at the same time. She'd given him an ultimatum and he chose her. I was ok with that and wished them both well...I don't think she believed me but thats ok. They've since married and are really happy...or at least I've heard.
Moving on, I was working my new job after getting my promotion and I get a random voicemail one day. My boss had forwarded me a new business call and it's Ben's sister. She works in the same industry and just happened to need my company's services and I just happened to be the next one on the new business call in list. I went to my boss and asked to have someone else work the account and was quickly denied and told to grow up. I stared at the phone for 30 minutes before I finally called her back. I focused on the work and nothing but the work and then she asked, "how are you?"
Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!
This is the moment when you need to be happily married with baby on the way, ridiculously wealthy, world traveled, successful and have lost 20 pounds. I was none of those things. I didn't have a husband (I hadn't had a date in 6 months), I was living paycheck to paycheck, hadn't been on vacation since college when my parents paid for it, I was still trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to do in my career and the weight....well, that's none of your business but lets say the weight listed on my drivers license was WAY off!
I'm proud to say that I was positive, honest, not embellishing too much, but emphasizing whatever highlights I could think of. I then asked how she was and she told me 2 seconds about herself and then had verbal diarrhea about Ben. Oh, And guess what? He's married. Oh, And guess what? They have a daughter. Oh, And guess what? He named her the name we'd picked to name our first daughter (first AND middle name, WTF?) Oh and these names were not just Kate Ann, etc. These were NOT run of the mill names and I PICKED THEM OUT!!!! Oh, And guess what? His sister emailed me pictures.
What did I do wrong here? I took the necessary time to get over this relationship! I learned the lessons! I cried the tears! I paid the price already!! Why is it that now, more than 3 years later...I'm still getting hit by this?
After I sufficiently emailed every person that has known me since that time and had all of the, "you are NOT going to believe this" conversations, I let it go (or so I thought). I'd wanted to name my daughter that name since I was in high school, but it's ok. I decided it would be good to email him to say congratulations. (Seriously, Megster, you should have medicated me to prevent this) I thought I was being a mature adult...I told him I was thankful that he realized before the wedding that I was not the right person for him, I applauded his honesty (laugh) and I was happy to see that he was doing so well (gag). I acknowledged that it was a bad breakup and I was sorry for the mutual hurt but I really wished him nothing but the best.
He never responded.
After a month of convincing myself that I was ok...I think I finally was.
Then, almost a year later, thru a series of coincidences, I met my current BF. I say "current" because I have no open registries with this man. That being said, I have every intention of not screwing this up and hopefully, one day, we'll get to point and shoot that gun at things that we don't need but want others to buy us. I won't go into the story with current BF because I don't really like to start too many stories where I don't know the ending. But I'm happy and healthy and hopeful for the future.
I believe that we learn something with every relationship we it occupational, friendship, romantic, etc. With Steven, I learned how to be a girlfriend (and how not to be), how innocent love is and how romantic it can be. I learned how important family is and I learned that there was someone I was supposed to become, not just someone I thought I should be. And most importantly, I learned that I had so much left to learn. With Ben, I learned how to fight to the death and win, I learned whats really important to me and whats not. I learned that I never want to be with someone who doesn't believe in our lord, I learned that culture is a beautiful thing, and I learned to trust my instincts and listen to my mother. I learned about another side of the world and I learned what I didn't want for the rest of my life. And most importantly, I finally learned how to let go.
When I started dating my current BF, I took what I learned and put it into action. Here are a few of my favorites:
~Since I knew how to fight and win, I decided that it wasn't winning or losing that's important, it's about learning and growing together.
~Since I knew how to be romanced, I decided I wanted to learn how to be romantic in HIS eyes, not just what I thought was romantic.
~Since I learned how important family can be, I decided to open my arms to his family in hopes that one day they will do the same.
~Since I knew that having the same faith was so important to me, I learned to make a mental memory of how special it meant the first time he said that he prays for us.
And now, I've realized that the hardest thing I've ever had to learn, but the most important thing to put into action was to have faith. That even if MY ending isn't how I've always pictured's going to be better than I expected. Even if I go thru hardships along the way, I'll learn from them and use those lessons as I continue on this thing we call life.
My hopes in sharing these memories with you is that someone out there might read this and identify with it. Hopefully use it to keep going, use it to realize that it's not the fairy tale that we ultimately's the reality. We want someone to love us because of our flaws, not in spite of them. And for that, I'm not afraid to admit mine.
Maybe that's optimism, maybe that's faith...mainly, its just me.
And then I realized, even though my story is far from perfect, it's truly real and I think it can be funny, entertaining, real and I maybe give hope that we all go thru these hardships and that it's ok. So here goes.
I have been in love 3 different times in my life: Steven, Ben, and Current BF (names have all been changed). (ok really i've been in love hundreds of times...chocolate, michael buble songs, snow skiing, etc... but this is just about being in love with the opposite $ex so go with it.)
I was in high school and funny enough, I thought I had already been in love before him (I hadn't). I don't really know how we met, but he was a senior when I was a junior and I became the girl who wore his letter jacket. I was blissfully happy. It was the time of the innocent love...we were each others first everything and experiencing life together was everything I'd imagined. We didn't do the break up & get back together thing, we just stayed together....for 3 1/2 years! And to be honest, I can't even remember why we ended up breaking up in the end. What I do remember is that it seemed to fizzle and he broke up with me and instead of grieving over that loss, I made the most of my time and quickly found someone new.....Ben. (There's more to Steven's story...stay tuned)
Ben and I met in college about a minute after Steven broke up with me (well, maybe more like a week). We immediately hit it off and started to date. When Steven got word of this, he came back and wanted me again. I quickly turned my nose up to him with a "you snooze you lose" attitude and focused on Ben. Ben was younger than me and wanted to learn what I had to teach him, haha. We got serious quickly and I felt powerful being the older/wiser of the two. I broke up with him after 2 months for about 8 hours...(it was during summer finals, i was stressed and ridiculous and I don't remember why I did it). When I realized I was being dramatic, I went looking for him. When I found him he was in his yard kissing another girl and there was an empty wine bottle on the table. I ran from his house in tears, making it known that I was there so he would see me and come running after me realizing his mistake. Only, he didn't. I ran to the comfort of Stevens arms who was still there for me, but thankfully, I didn't confuse the situation more and Steven and I just stayed friends. The new semester was starting so I felt I had a fresh start.
As soon as school started, Ben came back....begging me. He sent me the most incredible arrangement of roses that I have ever seen to this day. They were salmon pink and so big I thought they were tulips. He romanced me in every way possible to get me back and I eventually gave in. He promised nothing happened with the slut I saw him kissing. (sorry, couldn't resist) After a month he came clean and admitted that he cheated...of course, it was followed by Ross Geller's famous line, "we were on a break" and the only break I validated was my heart breaking.
I stayed with him and I thought about him cheating every day for 6 months. Eventually it became every other day and after a good while, I could go a week without thinking about it. Our relationship healed and we were having a great time...planning a future together. Fast forward 2 years and 9/11 happened. Everything that was secure in my life suddenly seemed upside down. Ben decided to study abroad and I was devastated. We decided that we didn't want to be apart so he asked me to go with him and I did. I think 9/11 had that affect on so many people. Don't get me wrong, I loved him, but I was so terrified of losing him after that...I almost didn't want him to be out of my sight! But, going abroad was the best decision I could've made and I wouldn't have considered it had it not been for Ben. My time there was incredible. When we returned, he proposed in front of my entire family and I happily accepted. This was it! We started planning the wedding, picked out our kids names and lived happily ever after.
That's how I thought this story would end.
After we got engaged, I found a great job that I loved while starting my senior year (5th year, haha) and I began working alot. He was also working but after missing work for the 5th day from playing Halo and losing his license for too many speeding tickets, he got fired. He then starting hanging with friends and met a friend of a friend. Oh yeah, did I mention this friend was a girl? She was from my hometown, 4 years younger than me, played all the same sports, involved in all of the same things. She was ME, just 4 years younger, I call her Mini Me. I challenged this friendship and was told that he wanted to hang out with me during the day but I was too busy working. Gee, how selfish of me! He broke up with me in the middle of a college football game and we decided to take Thanksgiving break to think about if we wanted to be together. When I returned, I told him I wanted to be with him and he told me that she'd shopped with him during the break and she encouraged him to buy cargo pants and he liked that. Weird, right? (back story is we were both about to graduate and I was encouraging him to spend his $ on clothes for upcoming interviews instead of yet another pair of those pants where you'd unzip them below the knee and ABRACADABRA! they were shorts.) Anyhow, as I'm sure you can imagine, it was a very NASTY break up. He tried to call the cops on me for breaking and entering when I was moving out and tried to sue me to get the ring back. It was BAD.
When it was over, I called Steven. He'd since graduated and moved away and was there for me yet again. I realized that I'd never gotten over Steven and now I had 2 lost loves to mend from. I swore off dating until I knew what I wanted. Six months later, after graduation, I left my pain behind me and happily moved away, excited for the next chapter of my life. (Ben and Mini Me continued dating for a few years and eventually broke up, I don't know if he cheated or not...and I don't care).
After about a year of living in a new city, I thought I was ready to move on.
I was working a great job that paid me nothing but had great potential and was really fun. I dated here and there, mostly first dates, but dates none the less. I'd put Ben behind me and Steven and I were still friends. We'd considered giving it another go but we never acted on it. Then one day, I get a call from Steven's new girlfriend. She hates me and decides to involve me in one of their was a ridiculous few days...and then, after all of those years, Steven and my friendship was over. I had nothing to do with it, I hadn't even really talked to him in awhile, but she was insanely jealous of our friendship and hated me. And to be honest, what girl hasn't been jealous of her guy's ex....I thought she was a crazy psycho but kinda understood at the same time. She'd given him an ultimatum and he chose her. I was ok with that and wished them both well...I don't think she believed me but thats ok. They've since married and are really happy...or at least I've heard.
Moving on, I was working my new job after getting my promotion and I get a random voicemail one day. My boss had forwarded me a new business call and it's Ben's sister. She works in the same industry and just happened to need my company's services and I just happened to be the next one on the new business call in list. I went to my boss and asked to have someone else work the account and was quickly denied and told to grow up. I stared at the phone for 30 minutes before I finally called her back. I focused on the work and nothing but the work and then she asked, "how are you?"
Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!
This is the moment when you need to be happily married with baby on the way, ridiculously wealthy, world traveled, successful and have lost 20 pounds. I was none of those things. I didn't have a husband (I hadn't had a date in 6 months), I was living paycheck to paycheck, hadn't been on vacation since college when my parents paid for it, I was still trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to do in my career and the weight....well, that's none of your business but lets say the weight listed on my drivers license was WAY off!
I'm proud to say that I was positive, honest, not embellishing too much, but emphasizing whatever highlights I could think of. I then asked how she was and she told me 2 seconds about herself and then had verbal diarrhea about Ben. Oh, And guess what? He's married. Oh, And guess what? They have a daughter. Oh, And guess what? He named her the name we'd picked to name our first daughter (first AND middle name, WTF?) Oh and these names were not just Kate Ann, etc. These were NOT run of the mill names and I PICKED THEM OUT!!!! Oh, And guess what? His sister emailed me pictures.
What did I do wrong here? I took the necessary time to get over this relationship! I learned the lessons! I cried the tears! I paid the price already!! Why is it that now, more than 3 years later...I'm still getting hit by this?
After I sufficiently emailed every person that has known me since that time and had all of the, "you are NOT going to believe this" conversations, I let it go (or so I thought). I'd wanted to name my daughter that name since I was in high school, but it's ok. I decided it would be good to email him to say congratulations. (Seriously, Megster, you should have medicated me to prevent this) I thought I was being a mature adult...I told him I was thankful that he realized before the wedding that I was not the right person for him, I applauded his honesty (laugh) and I was happy to see that he was doing so well (gag). I acknowledged that it was a bad breakup and I was sorry for the mutual hurt but I really wished him nothing but the best.
He never responded.
After a month of convincing myself that I was ok...I think I finally was.
Then, almost a year later, thru a series of coincidences, I met my current BF. I say "current" because I have no open registries with this man. That being said, I have every intention of not screwing this up and hopefully, one day, we'll get to point and shoot that gun at things that we don't need but want others to buy us. I won't go into the story with current BF because I don't really like to start too many stories where I don't know the ending. But I'm happy and healthy and hopeful for the future.
I believe that we learn something with every relationship we it occupational, friendship, romantic, etc. With Steven, I learned how to be a girlfriend (and how not to be), how innocent love is and how romantic it can be. I learned how important family is and I learned that there was someone I was supposed to become, not just someone I thought I should be. And most importantly, I learned that I had so much left to learn. With Ben, I learned how to fight to the death and win, I learned whats really important to me and whats not. I learned that I never want to be with someone who doesn't believe in our lord, I learned that culture is a beautiful thing, and I learned to trust my instincts and listen to my mother. I learned about another side of the world and I learned what I didn't want for the rest of my life. And most importantly, I finally learned how to let go.
When I started dating my current BF, I took what I learned and put it into action. Here are a few of my favorites:
~Since I knew how to fight and win, I decided that it wasn't winning or losing that's important, it's about learning and growing together.
~Since I knew how to be romanced, I decided I wanted to learn how to be romantic in HIS eyes, not just what I thought was romantic.
~Since I learned how important family can be, I decided to open my arms to his family in hopes that one day they will do the same.
~Since I knew that having the same faith was so important to me, I learned to make a mental memory of how special it meant the first time he said that he prays for us.
And now, I've realized that the hardest thing I've ever had to learn, but the most important thing to put into action was to have faith. That even if MY ending isn't how I've always pictured's going to be better than I expected. Even if I go thru hardships along the way, I'll learn from them and use those lessons as I continue on this thing we call life.
My hopes in sharing these memories with you is that someone out there might read this and identify with it. Hopefully use it to keep going, use it to realize that it's not the fairy tale that we ultimately's the reality. We want someone to love us because of our flaws, not in spite of them. And for that, I'm not afraid to admit mine.
Maybe that's optimism, maybe that's faith...mainly, its just me.
Olympic Eating
Ok so a coworker asked me yesterday, "If I have Mexican food for dinner during the Olympics, does that mean I'm not supporting the US?" Haha. this made me laugh and gave me a great idea.
I'm going to try to sample as many different varieties of food during the olympics..I think it's only appropriate given. Now don't get me wrong...I'm not planning to just eat for the next few weeks but when it's time for a meal, I'm going to mix it up a bit.
Today's variety....SUSHI!
I'm going to try to sample as many different varieties of food during the olympics..I think it's only appropriate given. Now don't get me wrong...I'm not planning to just eat for the next few weeks but when it's time for a meal, I'm going to mix it up a bit.
Today's variety....SUSHI!
Monday, August 11, 2008
"And also with you...."
this is what you're supposed to say to someone who tells you to peace in church...haha. ok not really but a funny twist.
I'm posting to reassure everyone that I'm calm cool and collected after the accusations of the weekend.
I was shocked that someone could accuse me of having ill intentions when it couldn't be more opposite. Rest assured, I enjoy the glory and credit of compliments too much than to try to pass off anyones work as my own. I did not come up with the recipe on "how to make a cool tie" lord knows I have zero skills when it comes to sewing. That said, I also did not get the recipe from Crazy Claudia and if you'll see my prior post, I linked directly to my original source. (props to texaslauren77 for her play on words for Claudia to cool off...haha)
I sincerely apologize to anyone who might have assumed that I plagarized in any way and I'm flattered and humored that you might think it was an MC creation, hahaha. (as if)
But now I'm officially off of my soap-box and ready rejoin the rest of the world in Olympic celebration!
Friday we had an Opening Ceremonies and Olympics party. We were supposed to have 4 events (table tennis, horseshoes, darts and ladderball) but just stuck to table tennis and later....what house party wouldn't be complete without beer pong! The Megster was a too classy to drink beer so during her game, she chose wine pong. Megster learned the lesson that if you're going to play wine pong, you better have mad skills because losing 2 games in a row = Megster drunky girl!)
I felt like I was in a time warp as I hadn't hosted a party of this sort since college but it was a lot of fun (and a lot of advil the next morning). The victorious Gold Medal beer pong team champs were the new founder of B*tching Brides and her hubby. (Hubby also took home the all around Gold)
It was a great time and I had the Olympics on all weekend...I can't wait to watch the mens team gymnastic finals tonight!
Go Team USA!
I'm posting to reassure everyone that I'm calm cool and collected after the accusations of the weekend.
I was shocked that someone could accuse me of having ill intentions when it couldn't be more opposite. Rest assured, I enjoy the glory and credit of compliments too much than to try to pass off anyones work as my own. I did not come up with the recipe on "how to make a cool tie" lord knows I have zero skills when it comes to sewing. That said, I also did not get the recipe from Crazy Claudia and if you'll see my prior post, I linked directly to my original source. (props to texaslauren77 for her play on words for Claudia to cool off...haha)
I sincerely apologize to anyone who might have assumed that I plagarized in any way and I'm flattered and humored that you might think it was an MC creation, hahaha. (as if)
But now I'm officially off of my soap-box and ready rejoin the rest of the world in Olympic celebration!
Friday we had an Opening Ceremonies and Olympics party. We were supposed to have 4 events (table tennis, horseshoes, darts and ladderball) but just stuck to table tennis and later....what house party wouldn't be complete without beer pong! The Megster was a too classy to drink beer so during her game, she chose wine pong. Megster learned the lesson that if you're going to play wine pong, you better have mad skills because losing 2 games in a row = Megster drunky girl!)
I felt like I was in a time warp as I hadn't hosted a party of this sort since college but it was a lot of fun (and a lot of advil the next morning). The victorious Gold Medal beer pong team champs were the new founder of B*tching Brides and her hubby. (Hubby also took home the all around Gold)
It was a great time and I had the Olympics on all weekend...I can't wait to watch the mens team gymnastic finals tonight!
Go Team USA!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A Message to my "alleged" supporters....
i received an ungreatful comment from "Cynthia" today. Thought you would enjoy the comment and my response.....
Frankly, I expect better from anyone who desires to help our troops.
From Cynthia:
Cynthia has left a new comment on your post "How to make a Cool Tie":
Please don't copy material from our site without attribution or permission. This post is a copy of (some website that I did not get my recipe from) which is copyrighted and may not be used in this way.
Be fair. Write your own stuff, or if you copy, use a teaser and a link back instead of just grabbing other people's work
hey "Cynthia"....
First off, I've never been to that link you sent me and I didn't "copy" from you so bug off. And, SHAME ON YOU!!! I would tend to think that anyone who cares AT ALL about our troops would be more than willing (and greatful) to post, share, spread the word on any recipe on how to make something to keep our troops cool. Apparently, you are only concerned about recognition instead of our troops. This makes me sad for you and wonder how you sleep soundly at night.
Because, you see, my only goal in these posts is to get supplies to our troops. THAT IS IT. I want to do my part in helping our troops get what they need. I think that its the least that I can do.
Clearly, you are only concerned with recognition and it makes me that much more likely to NOT recognize you for the COMPLETELY SELFISH and asinine person that you are. But, I am so angry that I don't have the ability to be the bigger person right now.
Personally, all I have to say in response to your absurd post is.....SHAME ON YOU....I EXPECT BETTER FROM MY READERS. If you don't like what I have to say, or post, you are free to not return.
FYI-I didn't get my recipe from your website and it makes me sad for you that you would try to claim info posted on this oh-so-private thing we call "the internet"
PS- for your info, i got my recipe from here...not "your" site and you should notice, they've also stated:
Intellectual Property Rights for Cool Ties
Several individuals have claimed to have invented cool ties, and some have claimed various intellectual property rights including patents. A search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office indicates there are NO currently valid trademarks for “Cool Tie” or “Cool Ties”. Any claims otherwise are FALSE. A patent was issued for a cool tie in the late 1990’s, however this patent was issued almost ten years after Dan Wofford, Jr. and the US Cooperative Extension Agency published patterns and instructions regarding how to make cool ties and evaporative body coolers. Therefore, this patent will NOT stand up in court and was a waste of time, effort and money by the patent holder.
Frankly, I expect better from anyone who desires to help our troops.
From Cynthia:
Cynthia has left a new comment on your post "How to make a Cool Tie":
Please don't copy material from our site without attribution or permission. This post is a copy of (some website that I did not get my recipe from) which is copyrighted and may not be used in this way.
Be fair. Write your own stuff, or if you copy, use a teaser and a link back instead of just grabbing other people's work
hey "Cynthia"....
First off, I've never been to that link you sent me and I didn't "copy" from you so bug off. And, SHAME ON YOU!!! I would tend to think that anyone who cares AT ALL about our troops would be more than willing (and greatful) to post, share, spread the word on any recipe on how to make something to keep our troops cool. Apparently, you are only concerned about recognition instead of our troops. This makes me sad for you and wonder how you sleep soundly at night.
Because, you see, my only goal in these posts is to get supplies to our troops. THAT IS IT. I want to do my part in helping our troops get what they need. I think that its the least that I can do.
Clearly, you are only concerned with recognition and it makes me that much more likely to NOT recognize you for the COMPLETELY SELFISH and asinine person that you are. But, I am so angry that I don't have the ability to be the bigger person right now.
Personally, all I have to say in response to your absurd post is.....SHAME ON YOU....I EXPECT BETTER FROM MY READERS. If you don't like what I have to say, or post, you are free to not return.
FYI-I didn't get my recipe from your website and it makes me sad for you that you would try to claim info posted on this oh-so-private thing we call "the internet"
PS- for your info, i got my recipe from here...not "your" site and you should notice, they've also stated:
Intellectual Property Rights for Cool Ties
Several individuals have claimed to have invented cool ties, and some have claimed various intellectual property rights including patents. A search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office indicates there are NO currently valid trademarks for “Cool Tie” or “Cool Ties”. Any claims otherwise are FALSE. A patent was issued for a cool tie in the late 1990’s, however this patent was issued almost ten years after Dan Wofford, Jr. and the US Cooperative Extension Agency published patterns and instructions regarding how to make cool ties and evaporative body coolers. Therefore, this patent will NOT stand up in court and was a waste of time, effort and money by the patent holder.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Blog Pimp!
Ok, so there's this fantastic new blog from a fantastic person I know and I think it's hilarious!
Are you married or planning a wedding? Have some frustrations you'd like to vent about or some funny/not so funny stories to tell? Visit BitchingBrides blog and share your stories!
And while I'm at it, pimp YOUR blog on my comment list!
Are you married or planning a wedding? Have some frustrations you'd like to vent about or some funny/not so funny stories to tell? Visit BitchingBrides blog and share your stories!
And while I'm at it, pimp YOUR blog on my comment list!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Opening Ceremonies - Get Excited!!
I am such a fan of the Olympics! I remember watching the Olympics with my parents as a kiddo (of course, I was a sport snob and only watched diving and gymnastics) and I loved the opening and closing ceremonies.
Well 8.8.08 is upon us and I'm super excited. Random Trivia: Did you know that 8 is an extremely lucky # in China?
To copy the idea of my friend Lincee, here are some videos to get you in the mood. (these are different videos than hers...check them all out and get excited!)
Amazing Awaits....
Well 8.8.08 is upon us and I'm super excited. Random Trivia: Did you know that 8 is an extremely lucky # in China?
To copy the idea of my friend Lincee, here are some videos to get you in the mood. (these are different videos than hers...check them all out and get excited!)
Amazing Awaits....
when you are bored
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
So I'm addicted to myspace, facebook, linkedin, etc. It goes hand and hand with my addiction to reality tv. I like to watch the world, as it is, with all of its flaws and beauty, good and bad.
With as much as I like the truth in everything and everyone else, when it comes to MY space, I'm not so truthful.
I laughed with my friend Keith a year or so ago when they were coming over to our place and I said, "ok well I need about a half hour to make my apartment look like you think it looks all of the time." This means, tidy up, clean up, throw things in the oven, dishwasher, dryer or closet that I don't have time to put in its proper place, light a candle, lint roll the furniture make sure the guest bath has t.p. and sit on the sofa and open that book (I've been meaning to start) in the middle so it looks like this is my daily life.
Maybe its because I was raised by a family who liked to entertain, a mother who always made me pick up before the cleaning lady came, and two grandmothers whos homes were always perfect, smelled like cookies, fresh flowers, detergent, crystal light and pecans. (It's an odd but perfect aroma.) One grandmother always had the guest bathroom toilet paper folded into a triangle and one always had either gardening gloves, a sun hat or an apron on.
Regardless, it's very important to me that when I have guests in my home, they are not greeted by the day to day chaos in which we live. They are instead greeted with a tidy, organized home, well dressed and groomed hosts, well behaved and trained pets, and loads of natural light.
Um...anyone who knows me is laughing right about now.
Because the reality is, my side of the room is always cleaner than my bfs, the floors will never be that clean, my dog will probably jump up on you, you'll know the smell is only from the bath and body works plug in, there are always nose and paw prints on the windows, clutter on the coffee table and crap on the dryer. Pretty much the only thing that meets my standards is the guest bathroom.
I tease my bf by telling him the reason I always like to have people over is because thats the only time that the house is clean!
I wish I could chill out and relax and let you see me the way I truly am. Because, afterall, I'm inviting you into MY space, MY home...not a catalog. Maybe one day I'll live up to my own expectations, or maybe I'll let you see the real me. Either would be an accomplishment
With as much as I like the truth in everything and everyone else, when it comes to MY space, I'm not so truthful.
I laughed with my friend Keith a year or so ago when they were coming over to our place and I said, "ok well I need about a half hour to make my apartment look like you think it looks all of the time." This means, tidy up, clean up, throw things in the oven, dishwasher, dryer or closet that I don't have time to put in its proper place, light a candle, lint roll the furniture make sure the guest bath has t.p. and sit on the sofa and open that book (I've been meaning to start) in the middle so it looks like this is my daily life.
Maybe its because I was raised by a family who liked to entertain, a mother who always made me pick up before the cleaning lady came, and two grandmothers whos homes were always perfect, smelled like cookies, fresh flowers, detergent, crystal light and pecans. (It's an odd but perfect aroma.) One grandmother always had the guest bathroom toilet paper folded into a triangle and one always had either gardening gloves, a sun hat or an apron on.
Regardless, it's very important to me that when I have guests in my home, they are not greeted by the day to day chaos in which we live. They are instead greeted with a tidy, organized home, well dressed and groomed hosts, well behaved and trained pets, and loads of natural light.
Um...anyone who knows me is laughing right about now.
Because the reality is, my side of the room is always cleaner than my bfs, the floors will never be that clean, my dog will probably jump up on you, you'll know the smell is only from the bath and body works plug in, there are always nose and paw prints on the windows, clutter on the coffee table and crap on the dryer. Pretty much the only thing that meets my standards is the guest bathroom.
I tease my bf by telling him the reason I always like to have people over is because thats the only time that the house is clean!
I wish I could chill out and relax and let you see me the way I truly am. Because, afterall, I'm inviting you into MY space, MY home...not a catalog. Maybe one day I'll live up to my own expectations, or maybe I'll let you see the real me. Either would be an accomplishment
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Rant- Pee Test
I received this in an email today from a friend and I thought it was thought provoking:
I HAVE TO PASS A URINE TEST FOR MY JOB... SO I AGREE 100%. Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck,I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their tush while I work. . . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?
I HAVE TO PASS A URINE TEST FOR MY JOB... SO I AGREE 100%. Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck,I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their tush while I work. . . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?
Monday, August 4, 2008
Does what goes around really come back around?
I'm starting to wonder if that's true, I've always been hopeful that it was. I feel like it keeps me on my A game and holds me accountable because, boy, if something I did is coming back around for me....I have a feeling its going to be bad! As often as I've failed at being a truly good person, I have the true desire to be "good." And I don't think that everyone out there shares that desire....but I hope I'm wrong about that.
I think about the people who have done me wrong and from what I know about them at this point, I don't know that anything has "come back around" to bite them in the tush for what they did. And how awful to admit that it actually makes me sad. Do I honestly want to know that they have been punished in some way for their actions?
Sadly...yes. Yes I Do!
So I find myself in a really selfish situation (otherwise known as "why me?") in that, I tend to get bitten in the you-know-what everytime I misbehave....and usually the punishment is worse than the crime. And though I am far from perfect, I find myself often casting the first stone when it comes to wanting those who did me wrong to be punished!
This is something I hope that I won't always have to struggle with. I hope at somepoint I can just get over myself and realize that anyone else's suffering won't make mine better or even justified.
Until then..the only thing that keeps coming back around in my life is this heat....what AM I being punished for?? At least we're all in this someone go buy a bag of ice and we'll all sit around it like a campfire, k?
I think about the people who have done me wrong and from what I know about them at this point, I don't know that anything has "come back around" to bite them in the tush for what they did. And how awful to admit that it actually makes me sad. Do I honestly want to know that they have been punished in some way for their actions?
Sadly...yes. Yes I Do!
So I find myself in a really selfish situation (otherwise known as "why me?") in that, I tend to get bitten in the you-know-what everytime I misbehave....and usually the punishment is worse than the crime. And though I am far from perfect, I find myself often casting the first stone when it comes to wanting those who did me wrong to be punished!
This is something I hope that I won't always have to struggle with. I hope at somepoint I can just get over myself and realize that anyone else's suffering won't make mine better or even justified.
Until then..the only thing that keeps coming back around in my life is this heat....what AM I being punished for?? At least we're all in this someone go buy a bag of ice and we'll all sit around it like a campfire, k?
Friday, August 1, 2008
Cooler than Triple Digits
Do you know what's not cool right now? The heat!
If you're from Texas, the phrase "triple digits" is not a pleasant one. Our local news has informed us that we will be in triple digit status for the next five days but NOT TO WORRY...we'll cool off with some rain next week and it will get DOWN to 98-99ish. Are you kidding me? Have our news anchors been trained in BS-ing?
I've gotten used to hearing the teasers that make you think that the world will actually end. Something like, "Could you be dying right now because of what you just ate for dinner? Find out tonight at 10!" WTF!? Am I dying? Should I go ahead and go to the hospital and watch the news from there just in case?
And I love how they'll be talking about a group of 8 year olds who just won the little league national tee ball championship and in the same breath, with the same inflection they say, "three men were brutally murdered tonight but a homeless man."
It makes you do a double take at the TV thinking, was she actually smiling when she said that?
And now, when they should be starting the news with "Here is a what you do if you actually begin melting." or "We're all going to die!!!" or "If you haven't noticed, we here at ABC have actually begun a nude reporting policy because we're so f-ing hot that we don't want to wear any clothes. Hey Dale, nice socks!"
Regardless, triple digits are miserable. I feel like I've turned into a vampire because I only venture outside after dark.
Here's hoping your weekend is cool!
If you're from Texas, the phrase "triple digits" is not a pleasant one. Our local news has informed us that we will be in triple digit status for the next five days but NOT TO WORRY...we'll cool off with some rain next week and it will get DOWN to 98-99ish. Are you kidding me? Have our news anchors been trained in BS-ing?
I've gotten used to hearing the teasers that make you think that the world will actually end. Something like, "Could you be dying right now because of what you just ate for dinner? Find out tonight at 10!" WTF!? Am I dying? Should I go ahead and go to the hospital and watch the news from there just in case?
And I love how they'll be talking about a group of 8 year olds who just won the little league national tee ball championship and in the same breath, with the same inflection they say, "three men were brutally murdered tonight but a homeless man."
It makes you do a double take at the TV thinking, was she actually smiling when she said that?
And now, when they should be starting the news with "Here is a what you do if you actually begin melting." or "We're all going to die!!!" or "If you haven't noticed, we here at ABC have actually begun a nude reporting policy because we're so f-ing hot that we don't want to wear any clothes. Hey Dale, nice socks!"
Regardless, triple digits are miserable. I feel like I've turned into a vampire because I only venture outside after dark.
Here's hoping your weekend is cool!
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