Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Message to my "alleged" supporters....

i received an ungreatful comment from "Cynthia" today. Thought you would enjoy the comment and my response.....

Frankly, I expect better from anyone who desires to help our troops.

From Cynthia:

Cynthia has left a new comment on your post "How to make a Cool Tie":

Please don't copy material from our site without attribution or permission. This post is a copy of (some website that I did not get my recipe from) which is copyrighted and may not be used in this way.

Be fair. Write your own stuff, or if you copy, use a teaser and a link back instead of just grabbing other people's work

hey "Cynthia"....

First off, I've never been to that link you sent me and I didn't "copy" from you so bug off. And, SHAME ON YOU!!! I would tend to think that anyone who cares AT ALL about our troops would be more than willing (and greatful) to post, share, spread the word on any recipe on how to make something to keep our troops cool. Apparently, you are only concerned about recognition instead of our troops. This makes me sad for you and wonder how you sleep soundly at night.

Because, you see, my only goal in these posts is to get supplies to our troops. THAT IS IT. I want to do my part in helping our troops get what they need. I think that its the least that I can do.

Clearly, you are only concerned with recognition and it makes me that much more likely to NOT recognize you for the COMPLETELY SELFISH and asinine person that you are. But, I am so angry that I don't have the ability to be the bigger person right now.

Personally, all I have to say in response to your absurd post is.....SHAME ON YOU....I EXPECT BETTER FROM MY READERS. If you don't like what I have to say, or post, you are free to not return.

FYI-I didn't get my recipe from your website and it makes me sad for you that you would try to claim info posted on this oh-so-private thing we call "the internet"


PS- for your info, i got my recipe from here...not "your" site and you should notice, they've also stated:

Intellectual Property Rights for Cool Ties

Several individuals have claimed to have invented cool ties, and some have claimed various intellectual property rights including patents. A search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office indicates there are NO currently valid trademarks for “Cool Tie” or “Cool Ties”. Any claims otherwise are FALSE. A patent was issued for a cool tie in the late 1990’s, however this patent was issued almost ten years after Dan Wofford, Jr. and the US Cooperative Extension Agency published patterns and instructions regarding how to make cool ties and evaporative body coolers. Therefore, this patent will NOT stand up in court and was a waste of time, effort and money by the patent holder.


Anonymous said...

Cynthia, you're a jackass. And she didn't even get the content from you in the first place. Go do something PRODUCTIVE for the troopa, like collecting and sending items. You should see The Pillow's closet dedicated to the troops. It puts most to shame. That is all.

texaslauren77 said...

For the love of pete. Don't people have better things to do than go after someone for trying to do something nice for our troops? I don't see anything in this post that indicates MC took credit for any of this, and she's certainly not making a profit from posting how to make cool, who really cares where the idea came from?? Cynthia should go make herself a cool tie and chill out.

PS - MC, I've tagged you on my blog! :)

chickbug said...

this is fantastic. love it. please let us know if Cynthia writes back!