Monday, August 11, 2008

"And also with you...."

this is what you're supposed to say to someone who tells you to peace in church...haha. ok not really but a funny twist.

I'm posting to reassure everyone that I'm calm cool and collected after the accusations of the weekend.

I was shocked that someone could accuse me of having ill intentions when it couldn't be more opposite. Rest assured, I enjoy the glory and credit of compliments too much than to try to pass off anyones work as my own. I did not come up with the recipe on "how to make a cool tie" lord knows I have zero skills when it comes to sewing. That said, I also did not get the recipe from Crazy Claudia and if you'll see my prior post, I linked directly to my original source. (props to texaslauren77 for her play on words for Claudia to cool off...haha)

I sincerely apologize to anyone who might have assumed that I plagarized in any way and I'm flattered and humored that you might think it was an MC creation, hahaha. (as if)

But now I'm officially off of my soap-box and ready rejoin the rest of the world in Olympic celebration!

Friday we had an Opening Ceremonies and Olympics party. We were supposed to have 4 events (table tennis, horseshoes, darts and ladderball) but just stuck to table tennis and later....what house party wouldn't be complete without beer pong! The Megster was a too classy to drink beer so during her game, she chose wine pong. Megster learned the lesson that if you're going to play wine pong, you better have mad skills because losing 2 games in a row = Megster drunky girl!)

I felt like I was in a time warp as I hadn't hosted a party of this sort since college but it was a lot of fun (and a lot of advil the next morning). The victorious Gold Medal beer pong team champs were the new founder of B*tching Brides and her hubby. (Hubby also took home the all around Gold)

It was a great time and I had the Olympics on all weekend...I can't wait to watch the mens team gymnastic finals tonight!

Go Team USA!



I was not drunk. I was mildly intoxicated and only slightly loud. One night. Make that two. (And Cynthia can suck it.)

Colleen said...

How fun! I love that party idea. I was in Michigan camping, and we sported a huge Olympic-sized flippy cup tournament, girls vs. guys.

Girls rule. :)