No, I didn't keel over. No, I didn't go into the witness protection program. And no, I didn't become like my 40 gazillion friends who are pregnant. Where have I been? WORKING.
Yes, my friends, I got a job. A real job. A job with a salary.
And I am....ex-wait for it----hausted.
I never realized the amount of time that teachers spend working. I knew that they worked from around 8 am to around 3pm but I assumed that they worked a little while after the students went home and that was it. I remember telling BF how nice it would be when I would be able to get home before 5pm traffic and be able to relax or cook! Sha...right! This has been the most exhausting 3-ish months of my life working 12-16hr days, nights and weekends.
All in all I'm surviving. I'm working hard, messing up, picking myself up again and doing my best to survive this first year.
Alas, I do have a little something to entertain you tonight.
I never realized how much I had to learn until I became a teacher. Here are my top 10 at this point:
10. Apparently I don't come across as a nice person. I've had 3 other staff members complain about me. Its true that when you work in an environment that is primarily female, you have to act like you did in a sorority. And be prepared for all of the drama that can come along with it. I find myself adding unneccesary smiley emoticons in my emails, adding a lot of "girl, those shoes re so cute" and talking in a higher pitch voice as to really add the gushy-friendly stuff. Ugh.
9. I was blessed as a child. My students are in a completely different place than I was, they are much more independent because they have to be. They come from single parent and/or low income households where they have to take up the slack at home. They don't have the luxury of having parents in careers where they can take a day off to come to their awards assembly or stay home with them when they are sick.
8. My wardrobe is under a microscope. I wore skirts 3 days in a row and one of my students asked if I'd gone shopping and said they liked my new style. They also said my old style was L-A-M-E. (I had a 2 week jeans pass!)
7. In business, I always knew it was a C.Y.A. game. In teaching, it's a survival skill. It's a team sport but it's an every man for himself situation most of the time.
6. The fact that every town has enacted a cell phone ban in school zones means I now only have 10-15 minutes to talk on the phone during my drive home. (I only talk on my cell phone during my commute...I have no time at school and I don't want to use it when I get home)
5. The person who decided to show full episodes online is one of my heroes. I can catch up on my shows while I'm cooking! Thank you!
4. I have no money. Seriously. And what I do make, I spend on supplies needed for school. Grr.
3. Lunch. I miss lunch. I miss being able to go out to eat with friends for lunch and being able to schedule that lunch break. (The trick is to take a later lunch...around 1pm or so..cause then you only have a few hours left when you get back!) That being said, there is no diet coke break or potty break in education. I'm amazed that my body is trained to only have to pee before 8am and after 4pm. Cause really, there are very few options if it wasn't.
2. Teachers don't need desks or chairs. I remember getting carpal tunnel and headaches from my posture and sitting at a desk all day. Yeah, um...I don't sit. BF was going to buy me a cool chair for my desk before school started and I decided to wait until I found one I liked. There's no point now, I never sit! Although, apparently it's comfortable...I've had one observer and one substitute that both fell asleep during class!
1. The vests are still there. Remember those teachers who wore the same 5 or 6 outfits and the ones who couldn't wait to bring out the holiday pattern vests and embroidered jackets? Yeah, they're still there. lol. Now I understand how all of those fabric stores are still in business!
All in all, I'm very lucky to be where I am. I've been hanging in there and doing an ok job so far. I'll try to report with more funny stories soon! Thanks for all of your support, understanding and prayers. I've needed it all! 12 days until Thanksgiving break!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fine Print
Have you noticed that everything these days comes with fine print attached? You can't buy anything, go anywhere or do anything without there being a waiver, disclaimer, notice, sign or some type of "we are liable" clause in your face.
What is everyone so afraid of?
I've decided that these "security devices" or "cover my a$$ clauses" are a way of getting out of either doing what is right or having morals.
On Mother's Day we took current BF's mother to brunch at Blue Mesa Grill. This is...strike that...WAS one of my favorite brunch destinations. BF's mother slipped and fell because they had greasy floor mats and she slipped when she stepped off of one onto their concrete floor. Her plate shattered, cut her hand in about 6 places and she went down on her knee which immediately started swelling. The manager was wonderful and assisted in getting her to the ladies room, getting band-aids, taking down her contact info for the accident report and assuring us that corporate would reimburse her for any related medical expenses and she would be contacted the next day. After 5 days, she was finally contacted by their jerk of a lawyer and told she would not be receiving a dime because they were not negligent or liable and he stated the manager told us no such forward thru me getting involved, half a dozen phone calls/emails to this man (gentleman does not apply) and the owner and in the end she was offered a free brunch for 4......EAT AT YOUR OWN RISK PEOPLE!!!!
I'm sorry but if you come to my house for dinner and you slip on my floor and spill soda on your top, I'm going to pay for your dry cleaning bill....If you are in my car and I get in a wreck, my insurance will cover you or I will. If you fall on the sidewalk in front of my house, I'm going to go out and help you up and make sure you are okay.
Is this unusual for me to act like this??? Apparently!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, everyone is so afraid of doing something wrong......they won't even chance doing something right.
What are you afraid of?
Having to spend a little money?? Thats why you work...and hopefully live within your means.
Hurting someones feelings? Guess have the power to apologize...and mean it!
Having someone think badly of you? You have the power to earn that reputation back.
Having to admit you were wrong? Suck it up!
Looking someone in the eye? Don't even get me started...thats like a weak handshake....grow a pair
But think of the rewards for yourself or more importantly, for others if you do whats right. Instead of slamming my formerly favorite restaurant, Blue Mesa, in this blog...I'd brag on them. I want to be tacky, accept their offer for brunch for four and walk in there with a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, crutches, bandaids a motorized chair and a mouth piece with my shirt saying....I fell at Blue Mesa and all I got was this brunch! EAT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I mean, really....what is everyone SO afraid of?
It makes me sad to think that so many people live in fear and rationalize it as good judgement.
As for me....the only conditions I will gladly offer up in public are..."For better or worse, In good times and bad, In sickness and health, Till death do us part"...... And my only conditions are that I'm making those promises to a decent man who deserves my hand and everything I have to offer.
Anything else...I'll face with my faith in the lord, my commitment to do whats right, the morals my family instilled in me and the courage to take the challenges that each day/week/year/decade may throw my way.
And there's no fine print here.
What is everyone so afraid of?
I've decided that these "security devices" or "cover my a$$ clauses" are a way of getting out of either doing what is right or having morals.
On Mother's Day we took current BF's mother to brunch at Blue Mesa Grill. This is...strike that...WAS one of my favorite brunch destinations. BF's mother slipped and fell because they had greasy floor mats and she slipped when she stepped off of one onto their concrete floor. Her plate shattered, cut her hand in about 6 places and she went down on her knee which immediately started swelling. The manager was wonderful and assisted in getting her to the ladies room, getting band-aids, taking down her contact info for the accident report and assuring us that corporate would reimburse her for any related medical expenses and she would be contacted the next day. After 5 days, she was finally contacted by their jerk of a lawyer and told she would not be receiving a dime because they were not negligent or liable and he stated the manager told us no such forward thru me getting involved, half a dozen phone calls/emails to this man (gentleman does not apply) and the owner and in the end she was offered a free brunch for 4......EAT AT YOUR OWN RISK PEOPLE!!!!
I'm sorry but if you come to my house for dinner and you slip on my floor and spill soda on your top, I'm going to pay for your dry cleaning bill....If you are in my car and I get in a wreck, my insurance will cover you or I will. If you fall on the sidewalk in front of my house, I'm going to go out and help you up and make sure you are okay.
Is this unusual for me to act like this??? Apparently!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, everyone is so afraid of doing something wrong......they won't even chance doing something right.
What are you afraid of?
Having to spend a little money?? Thats why you work...and hopefully live within your means.
Hurting someones feelings? Guess have the power to apologize...and mean it!
Having someone think badly of you? You have the power to earn that reputation back.
Having to admit you were wrong? Suck it up!
Looking someone in the eye? Don't even get me started...thats like a weak handshake....grow a pair
But think of the rewards for yourself or more importantly, for others if you do whats right. Instead of slamming my formerly favorite restaurant, Blue Mesa, in this blog...I'd brag on them. I want to be tacky, accept their offer for brunch for four and walk in there with a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, crutches, bandaids a motorized chair and a mouth piece with my shirt saying....I fell at Blue Mesa and all I got was this brunch! EAT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I mean, really....what is everyone SO afraid of?
It makes me sad to think that so many people live in fear and rationalize it as good judgement.
As for me....the only conditions I will gladly offer up in public are..."For better or worse, In good times and bad, In sickness and health, Till death do us part"...... And my only conditions are that I'm making those promises to a decent man who deserves my hand and everything I have to offer.
Anything else...I'll face with my faith in the lord, my commitment to do whats right, the morals my family instilled in me and the courage to take the challenges that each day/week/year/decade may throw my way.
And there's no fine print here.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The best post EVER...I can't believe I did it.
I am SO thrilled to let you all know that after 9 exhausting months of being unemployed and looking for a teaching job, I was offered a job yesterday!!!!!! I am SO excited to finally be a teacher and I want to say thank you for all of your support.
I know I truly have great friends when they tell me that they told others that I'd gotten a teaching job and when they didn't get a really excited response they said, "No you don't understand, she's been trying to get this job for almost a year."
I knew when I decided to become a teacher that it was absolutely the right decision. After I was laid off in August, the next 9+ months were the most exhausting, stressful, emotional times and sometimes I can't believe I survived.
I'll be teaching 5th or 6th grade and I'll find out the exact assignment once I sign my contract.
Ready for the scary part? I have NOTHING!!! Seriously. I'd been keeping a list of things I thought I'd need if I ever got a classroom but even that list doesn't seem like enough. SO..........if you are at a restaurant and they give kids boxes of crayons or toys, TAKE ONE OR TEN FOR ME!!
So, if you happen to stumble across some freebies in your office supply closet and want to snag any and all things, I will not complain and I won't tell a soul!
I'm going to post my "want list" out here for the world to see...if you happen to have some of these items laying around, I would be MORE than happy to take them off of your hands.
Thank you so much again to everyone for the well wishes and the support!!!
Miss MC's wish list:
mini fridge filing cabinet
plastic bins (all sizes) crayons
markers staplers
pencils pencil sharpener (manual and electric)
notebook paper construction paper
baby wipes clorox wipes
erasers highlighters
protractors stencils
glue hole punch (3 hole and hand held)
dry erase markers sharpies
printer paper printer
laptop bulletin board decorations
staples dry erase boards
rulers/yard sticks math manipulatives
bins/boxes scissors
board games tape (masking and scotch tape)
math books (worksheets) world map
globe lamps
rugs bench or loveseat
pillows buckets
pens candy (no peanut or chocolate)
bandaits/first aid kit stickers
post its poster board
colored pencils plants
folders notebooks
stamps kleenex
toys puzzles
index cards treasure chest
goldfish animal crackers
calculators timer
bookshelves hanging shelves
ziploc bags (all sizes)
I am SO thrilled to let you all know that after 9 exhausting months of being unemployed and looking for a teaching job, I was offered a job yesterday!!!!!! I am SO excited to finally be a teacher and I want to say thank you for all of your support.
I know I truly have great friends when they tell me that they told others that I'd gotten a teaching job and when they didn't get a really excited response they said, "No you don't understand, she's been trying to get this job for almost a year."
I knew when I decided to become a teacher that it was absolutely the right decision. After I was laid off in August, the next 9+ months were the most exhausting, stressful, emotional times and sometimes I can't believe I survived.
I'll be teaching 5th or 6th grade and I'll find out the exact assignment once I sign my contract.
Ready for the scary part? I have NOTHING!!! Seriously. I'd been keeping a list of things I thought I'd need if I ever got a classroom but even that list doesn't seem like enough. SO..........if you are at a restaurant and they give kids boxes of crayons or toys, TAKE ONE OR TEN FOR ME!!
So, if you happen to stumble across some freebies in your office supply closet and want to snag any and all things, I will not complain and I won't tell a soul!
I'm going to post my "want list" out here for the world to see...if you happen to have some of these items laying around, I would be MORE than happy to take them off of your hands.
Thank you so much again to everyone for the well wishes and the support!!!
Miss MC's wish list:
mini fridge filing cabinet
plastic bins (all sizes) crayons
markers staplers
pencils pencil sharpener (manual and electric)
notebook paper construction paper
baby wipes clorox wipes
erasers highlighters
protractors stencils
glue hole punch (3 hole and hand held)
dry erase markers sharpies
printer paper printer
laptop bulletin board decorations
staples dry erase boards
rulers/yard sticks math manipulatives
bins/boxes scissors
board games tape (masking and scotch tape)
math books (worksheets) world map
globe lamps
rugs bench or loveseat
pillows buckets
pens candy (no peanut or chocolate)
bandaits/first aid kit stickers
post its poster board
colored pencils plants
folders notebooks
stamps kleenex
toys puzzles
index cards treasure chest
goldfish animal crackers
calculators timer
bookshelves hanging shelves
ziploc bags (all sizes)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Being in the classroom has reminded me how important a hug can be. It's amazing how children give hugs....they give them for so many reasons....when they are sad, happy, excited, nervous, you name it.
But my favorite part of a hug from a child is that they walk toward you with their arms extended for several steps. As adults, we only raise our arms to embrace one another once we are close enough to touch. Kids will stick their arms out as soon as they see you and walk across the room like that.
It makes me smile and I think I'm going to try it with my friends, I hope you will too. It might make you laugh or it might make you wonder, "when did I stop doing this and why?"
But my favorite part of a hug from a child is that they walk toward you with their arms extended for several steps. As adults, we only raise our arms to embrace one another once we are close enough to touch. Kids will stick their arms out as soon as they see you and walk across the room like that.
It makes me smile and I think I'm going to try it with my friends, I hope you will too. It might make you laugh or it might make you wonder, "when did I stop doing this and why?"
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It never ends, does it?
It's so funny how something tiny can make you smile....but kind of in a sad way. Here I was last week, surrounded with my own self awareness and deep thoughts when I stumble upon someone who is anything BUT aware. I didn't actually see them, but merely heard about the ridiculousness thru friends. It instantly made me realize...I have absolutely nothing to be worried about.
I don't hold grudges, I don't create a fictional version of things that happened in the past in order to try to rationalize my own actions and I definitely don't try to pass off blame to others.
I do, however, fear for the future children of those that do. So lets everyone take a deep breath, shall we? Get over it already. You have bigger bumps to worry about.
I don't hold grudges, I don't create a fictional version of things that happened in the past in order to try to rationalize my own actions and I definitely don't try to pass off blame to others.
I do, however, fear for the future children of those that do. So lets everyone take a deep breath, shall we? Get over it already. You have bigger bumps to worry about.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Defeat or Growth? You decide.
Still alive...still hanging in fact, I think I've adapted well to "survival mode." And I'm not afraid to say it, I'm pretty darn proud of myself.
Next Sunday is my 29th birthday. Up until today, I really hadn't thought about it as a celebration. For the first time on my birthday, I'm not in a place where I thought I could be proud of myself. I don't have a fact, I don't really have a job. I'm not working toward anything in my relationship, heck, we don't even see eye to eye at this point. I'm not independent. And for once, I don't think I consider myself a role model for anything other than "what not to do."
But then I got to thinking. I'm surviving. I think a lot of people would've given up by now, but I haven't yet. And in fact, I'm not even so fragile that people have adjusted how they are around me. I still have friends coming to ME for advice, the only difference is that I'm leaning back on them more than ever.
And perhaps the most amazing thing is that I feel stronger with each passing day.
I've had this amazing thing happen to me in the last month, horrible but amazing....I have been attacked. Not physically, but emotionally and psychologically by another person. Now granted, that is a dramatic term but when someone knows their actions will hurt another person and continues to do them, I consider that an attack.
I generally consider myself a good person so it's been hard to understand why I've been the target and I've almost let it get the best of me. I've done everything I can to learn anything and everything about my attacker and monitored them in any way and every way possible. I felt that this was my own way of protecting myself. And I felt exhausted and emotionally sabotaged.
But this week, I decided that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what malicious or vindictive reasons people have to do bad things. What matters is how you let those decisions affect you (affect or effect??? i dont remember). In the last few days I realized that I'm not going to let it affect me anymore. I can't control what other people do, all I can control is myself.
And I choose to be a better person. I choose to make the right decisions, I choose to let a higher power handle it. Because my job, the only full time job I have right now, is to be good. To be strong. To survive. Dramatic, I know....but just go with me on this.
So to this person, I forgive you, even though you haven't asked for it nor do you probably want it. I will pray for you to have the same "awakening" as I have had this week. And I pray that you get what it is that you desire so badly. Because for me, it's not about what I desire anymore, it's about what I need. And I've realized that I have everything that I truly need and those things cannot be taken away. So I will be okay no matter what desires you try to take from me....even if you succeed.
And next Sunday, on my 29th birthday, I will be proud of the person that I have become. A person who is constantly evolving, constantly trying to be a better version of herself, and more recently...a person who takes a deep breath...forgives without stipulations...and moves on.
Next Sunday is my 29th birthday. Up until today, I really hadn't thought about it as a celebration. For the first time on my birthday, I'm not in a place where I thought I could be proud of myself. I don't have a fact, I don't really have a job. I'm not working toward anything in my relationship, heck, we don't even see eye to eye at this point. I'm not independent. And for once, I don't think I consider myself a role model for anything other than "what not to do."
But then I got to thinking. I'm surviving. I think a lot of people would've given up by now, but I haven't yet. And in fact, I'm not even so fragile that people have adjusted how they are around me. I still have friends coming to ME for advice, the only difference is that I'm leaning back on them more than ever.
And perhaps the most amazing thing is that I feel stronger with each passing day.
I've had this amazing thing happen to me in the last month, horrible but amazing....I have been attacked. Not physically, but emotionally and psychologically by another person. Now granted, that is a dramatic term but when someone knows their actions will hurt another person and continues to do them, I consider that an attack.
I generally consider myself a good person so it's been hard to understand why I've been the target and I've almost let it get the best of me. I've done everything I can to learn anything and everything about my attacker and monitored them in any way and every way possible. I felt that this was my own way of protecting myself. And I felt exhausted and emotionally sabotaged.
But this week, I decided that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what malicious or vindictive reasons people have to do bad things. What matters is how you let those decisions affect you (affect or effect??? i dont remember). In the last few days I realized that I'm not going to let it affect me anymore. I can't control what other people do, all I can control is myself.
And I choose to be a better person. I choose to make the right decisions, I choose to let a higher power handle it. Because my job, the only full time job I have right now, is to be good. To be strong. To survive. Dramatic, I know....but just go with me on this.
So to this person, I forgive you, even though you haven't asked for it nor do you probably want it. I will pray for you to have the same "awakening" as I have had this week. And I pray that you get what it is that you desire so badly. Because for me, it's not about what I desire anymore, it's about what I need. And I've realized that I have everything that I truly need and those things cannot be taken away. So I will be okay no matter what desires you try to take from me....even if you succeed.
And next Sunday, on my 29th birthday, I will be proud of the person that I have become. A person who is constantly evolving, constantly trying to be a better version of herself, and more recently...a person who takes a deep breath...forgives without stipulations...and moves on.
about me,
cooler than....,
when you are bored
Saturday, February 28, 2009
wow...where does the time go?
Hi friends! Oh how I've missed you!
Things here have been...well, busy. I'm officially in a long term substitute postion for the next 2 months and I couldn't be happier about it.
I'm blessed to have been offered this opportunity at a truly incredible school with an inspiring take on a child centered facility. This school and these people are changing lives every day and I am so lucky to call this place my employment home, as temporary as it may be.
That being said the outlook for the future is bleak. I'm not one to get political on you but the bail out/rescue/whatever you like to call it plan that was recently passed will not help me get a job and it will not help schools increase their staff. Its SO difficult to look at myself from the outside in and not be selfish and wonder, "How am I falling thru the cracks?"
I have 2 college degrees and most recently a teaching certification. I'm outgoing, consistent, reliable and trustworthy. I have a good work ethic and I've never had so much passion to make a difference in the world as I have had the past 6 months or so. Yet the opportunities for me are non-existent right now.
It's a fine line I walk each day, balancing between the feeling that I've never been more blessed and the feeling that I'm terrified that this opportunity will not present the result I'm praying for.
To be in the classroom, to be engaging, encouraging and praising students each day is truly what I am supposed to do. I've never been so sure about anything. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to realize this potential and passion within myself. But, there are no jobs! And the available jobs go to teachers with years of experience...I've been told that I may not even get the chance to interview!
So I have to have faith. Faith that there is a plan in place for me and that everything does happen for a reason. I can't imagine being given the gift of the realization of what I want to do with my life and not having the opportunity to use it.
So until I know more I have to take it one day at a time. And I have to cherish each day, each moment that I get to spend in the world of education. In hopes that one day, hopefully sooner than later, it will become more than just temporary.
Things here have been...well, busy. I'm officially in a long term substitute postion for the next 2 months and I couldn't be happier about it.
I'm blessed to have been offered this opportunity at a truly incredible school with an inspiring take on a child centered facility. This school and these people are changing lives every day and I am so lucky to call this place my employment home, as temporary as it may be.
That being said the outlook for the future is bleak. I'm not one to get political on you but the bail out/rescue/whatever you like to call it plan that was recently passed will not help me get a job and it will not help schools increase their staff. Its SO difficult to look at myself from the outside in and not be selfish and wonder, "How am I falling thru the cracks?"
I have 2 college degrees and most recently a teaching certification. I'm outgoing, consistent, reliable and trustworthy. I have a good work ethic and I've never had so much passion to make a difference in the world as I have had the past 6 months or so. Yet the opportunities for me are non-existent right now.
It's a fine line I walk each day, balancing between the feeling that I've never been more blessed and the feeling that I'm terrified that this opportunity will not present the result I'm praying for.
To be in the classroom, to be engaging, encouraging and praising students each day is truly what I am supposed to do. I've never been so sure about anything. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to realize this potential and passion within myself. But, there are no jobs! And the available jobs go to teachers with years of experience...I've been told that I may not even get the chance to interview!
So I have to have faith. Faith that there is a plan in place for me and that everything does happen for a reason. I can't imagine being given the gift of the realization of what I want to do with my life and not having the opportunity to use it.
So until I know more I have to take it one day at a time. And I have to cherish each day, each moment that I get to spend in the world of education. In hopes that one day, hopefully sooner than later, it will become more than just temporary.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A little Dennys...a little Home Depot....a lot of laughs
Top 10 Reasons you would've laughed if you were me today
10. I only have 150 pages left of the 4th book in the Twilight series....I'll be a little sad when there's no more to read.
9. I got to teach 2nd grade for a 1/2 day today and had send 3 kids to the nurse and then home for having a 100+ temp.
8. I also had to break up a fist fight....thats right, closed fists of 2nd graders making contact with 2nd grade jaws. I freaked.
7. I went to Denny's wanting a free Grand Slam Breakfast for lunch but didn't pull into the parking lot when I saw over 100 people in line outside of the restaurant. Are you kidding me?
6. I decided I'm just cheap enough to give it another shot so I drove to another Denny's and waited in that line for a 1/2 hour and then I made it inside!!!
5. I randomly started chatting with the ladies around me and ended up sitting with them. And here, I was completely prepared to be "that girl" alone in the corner with my eggs.
4. It turns out two of the three ladies I sat with knew eachother because they grew up in the same area of Lousiana and had mutual friends/family.
3. It turns out two of the ladies lived in my home down around the same time I did and I have a BUNCH of mutual friends with one of them.
2. Just as I'd finished my breakfast, a random young man ran sprinting across the restaurant. I couldn't figure out what was going on until I saw the trail of remenants following him and the odor hit my nose. I guess he ate too many pancakes and decided to vomit the entire time as he ran to the bathroom. Yeah. I'm done. Thanks
and the number one reason you would've laughed if you were me today...
BF sent me to home depot with a shopping list that consisted of a metal pipe and a blow torch. I'm laughing just thinking about all the looks of confusion that were flying my way. Ahhhhahahahah.
In all seriousness, I spoke with the manager at Dennys and asked him what brought on this Free Grand Slam promotion. His answer was so refreshing. He told me that Denny's really wanted to send a message to Americans that even though times are tough, wallets are tight and hopes are can still get good service and great food at a reasonable price. I think they now actually have a 99 cent breakfast menu! Regardless, everyone there was smiling, friendly and really enjoying this great promotion that Dennys offered today.
10. I only have 150 pages left of the 4th book in the Twilight series....I'll be a little sad when there's no more to read.
9. I got to teach 2nd grade for a 1/2 day today and had send 3 kids to the nurse and then home for having a 100+ temp.
8. I also had to break up a fist fight....thats right, closed fists of 2nd graders making contact with 2nd grade jaws. I freaked.
7. I went to Denny's wanting a free Grand Slam Breakfast for lunch but didn't pull into the parking lot when I saw over 100 people in line outside of the restaurant. Are you kidding me?
6. I decided I'm just cheap enough to give it another shot so I drove to another Denny's and waited in that line for a 1/2 hour and then I made it inside!!!
5. I randomly started chatting with the ladies around me and ended up sitting with them. And here, I was completely prepared to be "that girl" alone in the corner with my eggs.
4. It turns out two of the three ladies I sat with knew eachother because they grew up in the same area of Lousiana and had mutual friends/family.
3. It turns out two of the ladies lived in my home down around the same time I did and I have a BUNCH of mutual friends with one of them.
2. Just as I'd finished my breakfast, a random young man ran sprinting across the restaurant. I couldn't figure out what was going on until I saw the trail of remenants following him and the odor hit my nose. I guess he ate too many pancakes and decided to vomit the entire time as he ran to the bathroom. Yeah. I'm done. Thanks
and the number one reason you would've laughed if you were me today...
BF sent me to home depot with a shopping list that consisted of a metal pipe and a blow torch. I'm laughing just thinking about all the looks of confusion that were flying my way. Ahhhhahahahah.
In all seriousness, I spoke with the manager at Dennys and asked him what brought on this Free Grand Slam promotion. His answer was so refreshing. He told me that Denny's really wanted to send a message to Americans that even though times are tough, wallets are tight and hopes are can still get good service and great food at a reasonable price. I think they now actually have a 99 cent breakfast menu! Regardless, everyone there was smiling, friendly and really enjoying this great promotion that Dennys offered today.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Okay Okay...I admit it!

I gave in. I'd heard the rumors and I wasn't going to be one of "those people"...much like my childhood when I refused to join in the histeria that was being a New Kids on the Block fan. I still have the one unopened cassette tape that I was given.
Yet this month, my will was not as strong.
I am now in the midst of a full on Stephanie Meyer obsession. Thats right, friends. I read Twilight in 3 days, New Moon in 2 and I'm 200 pages into the third book (which I started this morning). I saw the movie last night and am already sad at the thought that soon, there will be nothing left to read.
It was embarassing to be reading the same book as the students I've been teaching and I absolutely kept the cover out of view.
All that said, let me remind you that I'm not one to get lost in a book. Sometimes it can take me months to finish a book. This was not this case with this series. I highly recommend it and love every page!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A different perspective on history.
I had an incredible day and there are not too many days that I can truly consider incredible. Today was was historic.
Let me be clear....I voted for McCain. I don't regret it, I'd do it again today. Anyone that can give that kind of sacrifice for our country earns my vote. I support his position on so many issues and wanted him to be #44. That being said, I fully support our new President just as I did "Dubya." I believe that change is upon us and today was a new day.
Today, I had the priveledge of substituting for a precious class in one of my favorite elementary schools. The school administration asked us all to turn on our TVs at 10:25 to watch the inauguration. Had I not had a job today, I would've watched the inaguration but probably not intently. I would've had it on the tv while doing chores, etc. But being in the classroom, I had an obligation to our country (not to sound too deep) and to these kids to really explain that today was historical.
In my class today, we didn't just watch the inauguration. We discussed historical landmarks that were shown, historical figures present and their roles, historical items (Abe Lincoln's bible carried by Michelle in a fireproof and waterproof box) and other observations about the day. I was amazed at how inquizitive these kids were. It truly was a group learning as any question they came up with that I didn't know, they went to the computer and researched the answer. It was active learning in its truest form. They even had fun trying to "stump" me with historical questions. (I'm sorry to say I did not know what year the White House or Capitol buildings were built.)
They learned about the features of President Obama's limousine, the climate there, they imagined what it would feel like to be there to witness the event and what it would feel like to be President Obama. We discussed how you become president and the differences between President and Vice President. We looked up former presidents and read the presidential responsibilities and powers.
After the ceremony, we discussed different observations (it was cold; Obama had a red tie, Bush had a blue tie) and what they would tell their families tonight about what they saw.
We also discussed what other historical events that have happened in their lifetime. I was pleased that they remembered 9/11, the tsunami, hurricane Katrina and Michael Phelps winning 8 gold medals.
In my education classes, we've studied the brain and studied what learning styles make the biggest difference. Lecturing and having someone read to you are the least effective methods and teaching your peers is the most effective.
This was proven today in my class. By teaching these kids and discussing our nation, I was affected in a way I never expected to be. To me, today was truly historic. It was historic because we inaugurated the first African-American President, but also because I was once again amazed, impressed and reassured in the generation that we are all raising.
The future is bright....I hope I can help direct the light.
Let me be clear....I voted for McCain. I don't regret it, I'd do it again today. Anyone that can give that kind of sacrifice for our country earns my vote. I support his position on so many issues and wanted him to be #44. That being said, I fully support our new President just as I did "Dubya." I believe that change is upon us and today was a new day.
Today, I had the priveledge of substituting for a precious class in one of my favorite elementary schools. The school administration asked us all to turn on our TVs at 10:25 to watch the inauguration. Had I not had a job today, I would've watched the inaguration but probably not intently. I would've had it on the tv while doing chores, etc. But being in the classroom, I had an obligation to our country (not to sound too deep) and to these kids to really explain that today was historical.
In my class today, we didn't just watch the inauguration. We discussed historical landmarks that were shown, historical figures present and their roles, historical items (Abe Lincoln's bible carried by Michelle in a fireproof and waterproof box) and other observations about the day. I was amazed at how inquizitive these kids were. It truly was a group learning as any question they came up with that I didn't know, they went to the computer and researched the answer. It was active learning in its truest form. They even had fun trying to "stump" me with historical questions. (I'm sorry to say I did not know what year the White House or Capitol buildings were built.)
They learned about the features of President Obama's limousine, the climate there, they imagined what it would feel like to be there to witness the event and what it would feel like to be President Obama. We discussed how you become president and the differences between President and Vice President. We looked up former presidents and read the presidential responsibilities and powers.
After the ceremony, we discussed different observations (it was cold; Obama had a red tie, Bush had a blue tie) and what they would tell their families tonight about what they saw.
We also discussed what other historical events that have happened in their lifetime. I was pleased that they remembered 9/11, the tsunami, hurricane Katrina and Michael Phelps winning 8 gold medals.
In my education classes, we've studied the brain and studied what learning styles make the biggest difference. Lecturing and having someone read to you are the least effective methods and teaching your peers is the most effective.
This was proven today in my class. By teaching these kids and discussing our nation, I was affected in a way I never expected to be. To me, today was truly historic. It was historic because we inaugurated the first African-American President, but also because I was once again amazed, impressed and reassured in the generation that we are all raising.
The future is bright....I hope I can help direct the light.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
28 years 10 months 18 days 14 hours and 8 minutes old
Yes, I'm 28. And for some reason, I'm having a hard time coping with turning 29. Maybe it's because it is the last year of my 20s, or because I'm enduring a career change, or because I'm at the age that I thought was "really old" when I was little.
Regardless, on March 22, I will start the farewell party to my 20s.
Instead of making a list of everything I thought I would've accomplished by now that I haven't, I'm going to make a list of everything I'd like to accomplish by the big 30.
1. Get a teaching job
2. Lose 20+ lbs
3. Decide what color my hair needs to be.
4. Go snow skiing
5. Take a vacation
6. Get my stuff organized..ack.
7. Get a new computer
8. Make 3 new friends
9. Do something for someone else that they need but is out of my "comfort zone"
10. Shift focus to living in the moment
11. Become more eco-friendly
12. Give back
13. Make my bed at least 4 days a week
14. Wake up earlier
15. open for improvement suggestions
I think this is a big list so I'm starting now instead of waiting for 29 to bite me.
Regardless, on March 22, I will start the farewell party to my 20s.
Instead of making a list of everything I thought I would've accomplished by now that I haven't, I'm going to make a list of everything I'd like to accomplish by the big 30.
1. Get a teaching job
2. Lose 20+ lbs
3. Decide what color my hair needs to be.
4. Go snow skiing
5. Take a vacation
6. Get my stuff organized..ack.
7. Get a new computer
8. Make 3 new friends
9. Do something for someone else that they need but is out of my "comfort zone"
10. Shift focus to living in the moment
11. Become more eco-friendly
12. Give back
13. Make my bed at least 4 days a week
14. Wake up earlier
15. open for improvement suggestions
I think this is a big list so I'm starting now instead of waiting for 29 to bite me.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cooler than cookies??? No way!
We had a knock on our front door on Sunday afternoon. When I opened it, I saw our neighbors from a few doors down and their daughter at our door. I opened the door and realized that she was wearing brown vest...I thought it was an odd choice in attire and then it hit me!!!
"Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?"
Oh yes my dear dear's that time again. I CAN NOT Believe it!!! Last year, you remember my desperate quest to find these $3.50 boxes of happiness and could not find them. And this year, before I even realized it was time, they came to me! I asked BF if he wanted any because obviously I was buying some and he yelled from the back room "Samoas and Thin Mints." You see, this is why we work together. He knows the names of his GS cookies of choice without a second thought.
I'm not sure when she'll deliver my cookies but I'm thinking I should buy more than I did....I mean, really, 2 boxes of thin mints? Who am I kidding...I have plenty of room in my freezer! One day, yes one day....I will be cookie mom.
And anyone who doesn't plan to buy some....please at least buy a box or two. These girls go thru actual sales routines and practicing...they are prepared to answer your questions should you be diabetic, etc. They don't just grab a box and knock on your door!!! And there are prizes that they get depending on how much they sell.
Happy eating!
"Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?"
Oh yes my dear dear's that time again. I CAN NOT Believe it!!! Last year, you remember my desperate quest to find these $3.50 boxes of happiness and could not find them. And this year, before I even realized it was time, they came to me! I asked BF if he wanted any because obviously I was buying some and he yelled from the back room "Samoas and Thin Mints." You see, this is why we work together. He knows the names of his GS cookies of choice without a second thought.
I'm not sure when she'll deliver my cookies but I'm thinking I should buy more than I did....I mean, really, 2 boxes of thin mints? Who am I kidding...I have plenty of room in my freezer! One day, yes one day....I will be cookie mom.
And anyone who doesn't plan to buy some....please at least buy a box or two. These girls go thru actual sales routines and practicing...they are prepared to answer your questions should you be diabetic, etc. They don't just grab a box and knock on your door!!! And there are prizes that they get depending on how much they sell.
Happy eating!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
funny story
so my sister and law and 6 year old nephew were talking before christmas and she asked him if he was excited about Santa coming and getting to open all of the presents under the tree. their conversation went a little something like this:
Nephew:"Yes Mom but Christmas isn't only about presents. It's about celebrating Jesus."
Sis: "Thats right honey!"
Nephew: "Because it's Jesus' birthday, right?"
Sis:(feeling so proud) "Thats exactly right!"
Nephew: (pauses to think)"Exactly how old is Jesus going to be this year?"
Sis: (not wanting to get too deep)"He looks like he's in his mid 30s."
Can you say Classic!
I just about lost it I was laughing so much!
Nephew:"Yes Mom but Christmas isn't only about presents. It's about celebrating Jesus."
Sis: "Thats right honey!"
Nephew: "Because it's Jesus' birthday, right?"
Sis:(feeling so proud) "Thats exactly right!"
Nephew: (pauses to think)"Exactly how old is Jesus going to be this year?"
Sis: (not wanting to get too deep)"He looks like he's in his mid 30s."
Can you say Classic!
I just about lost it I was laughing so much!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
New'm out.
So I'm sitting here looking at my depressing crooked Christmas tree and trying to scramble up the motivation to take it down. Is it all that bad to be the crazy lady on the street who leaves her Christmas lights and tree up year round? I just like seeing the lights, it makes me happy people!!
Normally, a new year brings motivation and optimism for me. This year, I'm struggling to find that breath of fresh air that comes with a new beginning. It's probably because nothing has changed, as of yet, in my quest for employment. I'm hopeful and trying to be patient.
For now though, I'm pursuing part-time retail employment so that I can continue to be in the classroom as much as possible. So cheers to all of you who are starting the new year with new challenges, hopes, etc....I'm going to do my best to let you rub of on me.
Until then, Happy 2009 and Hook 'em Horns!
Normally, a new year brings motivation and optimism for me. This year, I'm struggling to find that breath of fresh air that comes with a new beginning. It's probably because nothing has changed, as of yet, in my quest for employment. I'm hopeful and trying to be patient.
For now though, I'm pursuing part-time retail employment so that I can continue to be in the classroom as much as possible. So cheers to all of you who are starting the new year with new challenges, hopes, etc....I'm going to do my best to let you rub of on me.
Until then, Happy 2009 and Hook 'em Horns!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Fiesta Bowl
So as you all should know, tonight is the Fiesta Bowl where the Texas Longhorns take on the Ohio State Buckeye.
I have to say, I like the Ohio State fans...we had a great time over the past few match ups but I'm excited about a neutral site.
So tonight, if things go as planned, I'll only eat one of these. (I made these today from my new Longhorn Cookbook!)

If not, I'll eat the entire tray.

Hook 'Em Horns!
I have to say, I like the Ohio State fans...we had a great time over the past few match ups but I'm excited about a neutral site.
So tonight, if things go as planned, I'll only eat one of these. (I made these today from my new Longhorn Cookbook!)

If not, I'll eat the entire tray.

Hook 'Em Horns!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Merry New Year!
We are back from a whirlwind trip from Sin city. We went to visit my nephews for New Years and had a blast.
It's really hard for me to believe that it is 2009. I wonder how long it will take before I stop writing 2008 by accident.
During the trip I noticed several things. Here is my top ten list.
10-The strip is REALLY long and made of concrete yet women everywhere were in stilettos....this..i don't understand.
9-They have slot machines in grocery stores. Awesome.
8-We took the nephews skating on a floating ice skating rink at Lake Las's a must see. So much fun.
7-BF and I had every intention of really gambling this time, eating at a fancy dinner and buying one of those enormous drinks to walk around with. We spent $5 on the wheel of money, $1 each on penny slots, ate at The Cheesecake Factory and bought 99 cent margaritas and had a blast!
6-Every major city is getting a naked or nearly naked man. NYC has the naked cowboy, Austin has "Leslie" and Vegas had a man in a bikini, tiara, miniskirt, makeup and heels (we saw him 3 times in one night.)
5-I always thought those people on the side of the strip that flip cards and try to hand them to you were handing out advertisements. I learned exactly what they were advertising this year. BF was more than happy to grab several examples to show me.
4-I greeted everyone today with a "Happy New Year" and they looked at me like I was slow. Does that greeting expire on Jan 1st? If so, I missed the memo.
3-This is the first year in many that I didn't wake up with a hangover on Jan 1. It was so nice! We all toasted with sparkling cider, sparkling pear, etc and it was just as fun!
2-Never give BF a noisemaker on new years eve...I'm just now getting my hearing back.
1-I saw SO many military men and women at the airport today. During all of the madness of the holidays, we forget about those who are serving our country and were not able to see their families this year. Say a prayer for them and thank them the next time you see one.
I didn't make a new years resolution this year. I think mine will just be to be a better version of myself.
A better girlfriend, friend, neighbor, teacher, student, christian, daughter, sister, aunt and person.
Happy New Year to all of you!
It's really hard for me to believe that it is 2009. I wonder how long it will take before I stop writing 2008 by accident.
During the trip I noticed several things. Here is my top ten list.
10-The strip is REALLY long and made of concrete yet women everywhere were in stilettos....this..i don't understand.
9-They have slot machines in grocery stores. Awesome.
8-We took the nephews skating on a floating ice skating rink at Lake Las's a must see. So much fun.
7-BF and I had every intention of really gambling this time, eating at a fancy dinner and buying one of those enormous drinks to walk around with. We spent $5 on the wheel of money, $1 each on penny slots, ate at The Cheesecake Factory and bought 99 cent margaritas and had a blast!
6-Every major city is getting a naked or nearly naked man. NYC has the naked cowboy, Austin has "Leslie" and Vegas had a man in a bikini, tiara, miniskirt, makeup and heels (we saw him 3 times in one night.)
5-I always thought those people on the side of the strip that flip cards and try to hand them to you were handing out advertisements. I learned exactly what they were advertising this year. BF was more than happy to grab several examples to show me.
4-I greeted everyone today with a "Happy New Year" and they looked at me like I was slow. Does that greeting expire on Jan 1st? If so, I missed the memo.
3-This is the first year in many that I didn't wake up with a hangover on Jan 1. It was so nice! We all toasted with sparkling cider, sparkling pear, etc and it was just as fun!
2-Never give BF a noisemaker on new years eve...I'm just now getting my hearing back.
1-I saw SO many military men and women at the airport today. During all of the madness of the holidays, we forget about those who are serving our country and were not able to see their families this year. Say a prayer for them and thank them the next time you see one.
I didn't make a new years resolution this year. I think mine will just be to be a better version of myself.
A better girlfriend, friend, neighbor, teacher, student, christian, daughter, sister, aunt and person.
Happy New Year to all of you!
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