Saturday, August 2, 2014

Fighting the sweet tooth and post-baby body with Lemon Water!

So I've never been great at drinking water.  I don't have a problem with it, I just never remember to do it and would always grab something else when given the choice...flavor, right?  I'd always take the lemon out of my water if it was served that way at a restaurant.  Mainly because I like drinking with straws and would always end up sucking a seed up the straw and at a college job I knew of several wait staff/bartenders who probably shouldn't have touched the garnishes for drinks without an extra wash of the hands.

When I started my journey with oils one of the first things I tried was a few drops (just 1-2) of lemon in my water.  A big mistake I made was drinking this in a plastic cup with a plastic straw.  Why is this bad?  Well, the lemon oil is pure essential oil (EO) and potent and it breaks down the chemicals in I probably have some of that in me now, lol.  If you inflate a balloon and put a drop of lemon EO on it, said balloon will pop.  If you put a drop of lemon EO on sytrofoam and let it sit, the oil will eat it.  The same happens with your cup.  So, you should always drink lemon water out of a glass or stainless steel cup and if you are a straw gal like me, they make stainless steel straws!!  Another benefit for the straw is when you first try the lemon water, it can tickle/tingle your lips and with a straw you avoid this.  Lemon EO is also photosensitive meaning you should never put it on your skin if you are going to be in the sun (lips included) so use carefully.

A drop or two of lemon EO is great in a cold beer (in a frozen glass mug)!

I've noticed is that I'm less likely to grab an oreo or something sweet if I'm drinking lemon water so any time I get a sweet tooth, I have a glass of this and then I'm good!  If I still go for the sweet after that, I get less of it since I just drank an entire glass of H20 and my hopes are that the lemon water breaks down the calories before they sink in, hahaha.  (one can dream, right?) 

I'm getting close to my pre-baby weight but I don't own a scale so I'm not sure what that is...I just focus on how I feel and how my clothes fit :) 

My 3.5yr old loves lemon water, SCORE, and I'm slowly transitioning my husband to oily water from those squirt things you put in it!  It's a journey but we're on our way!

Lemon EO has a TON of uses and I love to diffuse it and make my house smell's my work oil as when it's diffusing I am productive!!  Check out my Pinterest board on oils to see more uses!

**The information in this blog is only about Young Living Essential Oils.  I only advocate the use of Young Living Essential Oils and cannot speak for any other oil product on the market.**

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