So yesterday I took my 8 month old to our 5th doctor's appointment where the doctor said, "he's perfectly healthy!" Our sweet daycare teachers are a little baffled as to how he hasn't gotten sick when several rounds of HFM (hand foot mouth disease) and a tummy bug has gone thru his classroom of 5 kids all since August.
He cut 2 teeth in less than a week and has been a little fussier than normal with that and the teachers were almost positive that he had an ear infection. Nope!
4 times they were fairly certain that he had HFM. Nope! (he has ezcema)
My pediatrician and a pediatrician friend of mine have both told me that they attribute a lot of this to our oily efforts to boost his immune system and stay ahead of anything coming our way.
Very proud to have a healthy baby, to have daycare teachers who are so cautious and protective of him and to have an arsenal of oils as my "go to."
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Diffusers, Diffusers, Diffusers!
So, I think I have a bit of a problem....I have a diffuser for my classroom and every bedroom in my house (if you're counting, that's a total of 5). There's something about a great smell but knowing that it's keeping my family healthy or helping us feel better that makes me keep buying them. I have 2 that I purchased from Amazon and they work fine but don't hold a candle to the sq ft that my YL diffuser covers.
The problem is, now my friends are starting to love all things oils and so I am running out! I currently only have 2 diffusers in my home (one in each of the kids rooms). So I'm left with the temptation of buying yet another diffuser from YL (I mean...come on, you get 2 free oils with it, lol) or just waiting until my friends are done.
Well, I tried the latter...and then I had more friends want it. So, I think I'm going to purchase yet another one. I'm laughing as I type this because it seems completely excessive yet necessary at the same time.
The past few months, the success of the company that I'm supporting has skyrocketed. I'm not sure if it's just that people are raving about essential oils more or what? I know I certainly am. The downside?? The demands on my favorite oils are thru the roof so the shipping has had a bit of a delay (a LOT of a delay in some cases).
So, I guess I'll have to wait a little bit longer for the next addition to my obsession.
The problem is, now my friends are starting to love all things oils and so I am running out! I currently only have 2 diffusers in my home (one in each of the kids rooms). So I'm left with the temptation of buying yet another diffuser from YL (I mean...come on, you get 2 free oils with it, lol) or just waiting until my friends are done.
Well, I tried the latter...and then I had more friends want it. So, I think I'm going to purchase yet another one. I'm laughing as I type this because it seems completely excessive yet necessary at the same time.
The past few months, the success of the company that I'm supporting has skyrocketed. I'm not sure if it's just that people are raving about essential oils more or what? I know I certainly am. The downside?? The demands on my favorite oils are thru the roof so the shipping has had a bit of a delay (a LOT of a delay in some cases).
So, I guess I'll have to wait a little bit longer for the next addition to my obsession.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
NingXia Red
Ok, I feel like I can honestly say that NingXia Red has made a difference in my life. I can't say for sure until I get back on it but I've been without it for going on 2 weeks now. I ran out right before the beginning of the month and it was on the order I placed on the 7th. (cheap me wanted to get rewards points!)
Well, I won't make that mistake again.
I've been tired, grouchy and had less energy overall. I'm ready to get the spring back in my step!! I think I might hug the UPS driver tomorrow.
Stay tuned.....
Updated 10/18-it is amazing the difference I feel!! For a teaching mom of 2 under the age of 4 I'm never tired :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Interested in oils? Start here!
So this is a re-post because I've had friends look at my blog and not know "where to start." So, I've changed the title in hopes to help make the research portion a bit easier. Enjoy!
So, unless you've been living under a rock you've probably heard people
talking about Essential Oils. It seems to be the new thing the cool
kids are doing. I also drank the punch of all things Essential Oils
(will call them EO from this point) and I wanted to document my journey
and learning curve in this oily adventure.
I've been using EOs for almost 4 months now, I started just a few weeks after my son was born. To avoid being a book, I'll try to keep this post focused on why I started looking into EOs and why I went the direction I did.
I've always loved to make stuff but I'm creatively challenged...this makes being a teacher difficult, thankfully Pinterest exists. Two years ago I found a recipe to make your own bug spray and I bought my first bottle of Lavender EO for this. Friends loved this for their kiddos and I shared the recipe a gazillion times.
Well, one of my new neighbors was making homemade body scrub for friends and asked if I had any EOs she could borrow. I let her borrow my lavender and I noticed it didn't smell the same as it did when I'd first gotten it. I started to research this and learned alot...let me bullet point some interesting things I learned:
This week 3 of my son's life and he's going on his 2nd week of cradle cap. My daughter had cradle cap and we were able to use the little hospital comb and massage the baby shampoo and it was manageable. Well...not the case for this boy. I asked for help in a FB mom's group, asked friends and family and tried everything: hospital+shampoo (got the top layer off only), olive oil (just made it greasy), head and shoulders (nothing), baking soda paste (nope) and then I read about coconut oil. I asked my neighbor and she is in love with coconut oil and let me borrow some....BAM! Not only did the flakes come off but now my newborn smelled like a pina colada...bonus! Unfortunately, it came back but the coconut oil helped get it off.
I talked to a friend of mine who'd been using EOs and has 3 kids and she encouraged me to research and she'd answer what questions I had....and the obsession began. I looked up the bottle I was used to purchasing, the MLM brands I'd heard of and found several bloggers did comparisons. I read and read for a week and a half (this replaced my reality TV obsession and it's what I did during feedings and while both kids napped). I ended up going with a company called Young Living.
Before I dive into this, let me first say I am NOT marketing against any other company...I'm sure they all have their great parts, I'm just listing the reasons why I chose the company Young Living.
As I'm writing this 4 months in I already have a lot of success stories and "maybe it was the oils, maybe it was luck" and I'll post them separately.
Oh, and my MIL called me a hippie and told me I better not stop shaving my legs...
Catch phrase...Essential Oils
I've been using EOs for almost 4 months now, I started just a few weeks after my son was born. To avoid being a book, I'll try to keep this post focused on why I started looking into EOs and why I went the direction I did.
I've always loved to make stuff but I'm creatively challenged...this makes being a teacher difficult, thankfully Pinterest exists. Two years ago I found a recipe to make your own bug spray and I bought my first bottle of Lavender EO for this. Friends loved this for their kiddos and I shared the recipe a gazillion times.
Well, one of my new neighbors was making homemade body scrub for friends and asked if I had any EOs she could borrow. I let her borrow my lavender and I noticed it didn't smell the same as it did when I'd first gotten it. I started to research this and learned alot...let me bullet point some interesting things I learned:
- the FDA doesn't regulate Essential Oils.
- an oil can say 100% pure on it as long as it has 5% essential oil in the bottle!! (this means it has pure oil and is diluted in the bottle but the company doesn't have to list what it's diluted with!)
- some EOs have "for external use only" type of warnings on the label
- as with other "organic" "natural" type of products, there is no regulation of these type of labels and the companies can basically put what they want on there. This is true for so many products on the your research!
- many EOs have added fragrances to them (can contribute to allergic or site reactions..or in my case, headaches!)...oh, and they don't have to list this on the label
This week 3 of my son's life and he's going on his 2nd week of cradle cap. My daughter had cradle cap and we were able to use the little hospital comb and massage the baby shampoo and it was manageable. Well...not the case for this boy. I asked for help in a FB mom's group, asked friends and family and tried everything: hospital+shampoo (got the top layer off only), olive oil (just made it greasy), head and shoulders (nothing), baking soda paste (nope) and then I read about coconut oil. I asked my neighbor and she is in love with coconut oil and let me borrow some....BAM! Not only did the flakes come off but now my newborn smelled like a pina colada...bonus! Unfortunately, it came back but the coconut oil helped get it off.
I talked to a friend of mine who'd been using EOs and has 3 kids and she encouraged me to research and she'd answer what questions I had....and the obsession began. I looked up the bottle I was used to purchasing, the MLM brands I'd heard of and found several bloggers did comparisons. I read and read for a week and a half (this replaced my reality TV obsession and it's what I did during feedings and while both kids napped). I ended up going with a company called Young Living.
Before I dive into this, let me first say I am NOT marketing against any other company...I'm sure they all have their great parts, I'm just listing the reasons why I chose the company Young Living.
- I'd seen friends have success with it (as elementary as that sounds, word of mouth is very important to me...what my friends recommend impact my purchases of baby gear, recipes I cook, vacation spots I travel to, doctors I choose, restaurants I try, places we go, gifts I give, etc)
- You can visit their farms. They have a "seed to seal" guarantee which means they pick the seeds, plant the seeds, grow them, harvest them, distill them, bottle them and you are welcome to visit and see any part or all of this process. Open door policies are cool.
- They've been in business for more than 10 years (I don't doubt the validity of new companies but I like to give a company enough time to see if people get mad at them and see how it's all handled...drama queen in me? maybe)
- I don't have to leave my house to get it (this goes along with my obsession with Amazon Mom/Prime and how I can shop in my pjs)
- I read about success with cancer and Frankincense (had no clue what that was other than it was brought to sweet baby Jesus). I basically googled Frankincense and cancer and found a dr with the University of Oklahoma (gasp) doing research and having success fighting cancer with this and it specifically lists the YL Frankincense. Cancer's in my family...anything showing progress with this scores MAJOR points for me.
- It is a MLM (multi level marketing) which initially made me want to walk away. (Side note: I've been a "rep" for a beauty product MLM and I loved their makeup/skin care, etc BUT you had to buy several hundred dollars worth of products every quarter in order to maintain your "rep" status. And it was always the new season stuff...seriously...what am I going to do with eyeshadow set that is bright green and royal blue? Maybe if I'd been able to pick how I was going to spend my $...maybe..anyway I never made any $, I did get a discount on what I wanted but I ended up spending a FORTUNE and had a TON of products I didn't know what to do with...finally ended up throwing them away...sad face). Anyhow, when I found this out I asked a LOT of questions to the gal I knew and here's why it's ok. 1) you don't sell anything. 2) you get 24% off. 3) the only requirement to keep your discount is spending $50/year. 4) you don't HAVE to buy anything specific (no preset packages like my previous MLM) spend that $50 on what you want, when you want it. 5) you don't do the "parties" candle, makeup, bag, food, jewelry etc..(i.e. you don't have to monopolize your friends/facebook/coworkers etc and be "that girl"). There IS a business side to it and plenty of people make money with (basically you get a check if you refer a if you do have someone who drinks the punch like you did, you want them to list you as your referral).
- the drama that I mentioned in a previous bullet, I found a lot of negativity being spewed toward people in the company. Saw another company and strong competitor was formed from previous employees and has almost identical names for their products (a lawsuit was involved). People were questioning the religious beliefs of the founders. I found all of this interesting and it didn't bother me because as a mom, what I was looking for were lawsuits against the company for false claims, damages, injuries, etc. Didn't find that. It did make me feel better to know that it is a company with Christian founders/leaders but that had nothing to do with my decision. Because lets be honest, I have no idea who founded the products I buy for my kids or what their religious affiliation is (Chicco, Homedics, Pampers, Huggies, Enfamil, Carter's, Fisher Price, Baby Jogger, etc). This did, however, entertain me for awhile and made me realize that people attack each other's character when they can't attack "what they're selling."
- my pediatrician. My pedi is the type who will always give me the "home remedy" or "wives tale" to try and also write me a prescription for when those don't work (his words), haha. I asked him about how he feels about EOs. He told me he gets approached by parents all the time trying to "enlighten him" on their favorite stuff and he always looks into it. He asked, "are they the ones with the nutrition labels on them?" I didn't know the answer. He told me, I've talked to a lot of holistic doctors and read a lot and if you're going to pick someone, stay away from the ones that say "for external use only" BECAUSE children's skin is so soft, they absorb things easily. Even if you're only applying it externally, it will absorb internally. With other baby products, they are regulated but since these aren't that's what I would look for. Also, if it has a nutrition label or says "supplement" usually both, it's met the requirements for food (ingesting) but that is for adults NOT the kids. His stance on the use of EOs is that he thinks they are great for mood, temperament, staying healthy, sleep, emotional needs, etc. However, when someone is sick....and not just has some annoying symptoms, he chooses modern medicine. I agreed. I left with a promise not to put oils IN my kids but ON my kids and he said always diffuse or apply feet first and then maybe wrists, tummies, etc but to use a tiny amount of oil and a large amount of judgement and common sense.
As I'm writing this 4 months in I already have a lot of success stories and "maybe it was the oils, maybe it was luck" and I'll post them separately.
Oh, and my MIL called me a hippie and told me I better not stop shaving my legs...
Monday, September 8, 2014
Margarita Cupcakes!!
Ok, so this isn't all...but man were they yummy!!!! I made these super cute cupcakes for a "stock the bar" party we hosted for some friends this weekend. I'm sure there's a way to make them healthier, haha.
Margarita Cupcakes
Recipe adapted from Confections of a Foodie Bride
1 box white cake mix (I used Duncan Hines)
7 1/2 ounces margarita mix
2 ounces tequila
1/2 ounce orange juice
3 large egg whites
3 drops Young Living lime essential oil
Zest of 1 lime
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line 24 muffin tins with paper liners or spray with baking spray. Mix together margarita mix, tequila and orange juice in a large measuring cup. Add cake mix to mixing bowl and add egge whites, essential oil, lime zest and tequila mix. Beat on low speed for about 30 seconds until dry ingredients are incorporated and then beat on medium high speed for 2 minutes. Spoon batter evenly into muffin cups, filling about 2/3 of the way full. Bake for 20-25 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center cupcake comes out clean. Cool about 5 minutes in the pan and then cool completely on wire racks.
8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
2-3 T lime juice
2 drops lime essential oil
4 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp lime zest
3-4 drops green food coloring
Beat cream cheese and butter on medium high speed until smooth and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add 2 T lime juice and lime zest and beat until combined. Add powdered sugar 1 cup at a time, beating on low speed until incorporated. Add more lime juice if necessary. Add food coloring a couple drops at a time and beat on medium high speed until desired color is reached and icing is smooth. Pipe onto cooled cupcakes as desired.
Lime wedges, straws, and sprinkles all make festive garnishes. Refrigerate cupcakes in an airtight container if not serving immediately and bring to room temperature a couple hours prior to serving.
Margarita Cupcakes
Recipe adapted from Confections of a Foodie Bride
1 box white cake mix (I used Duncan Hines)
7 1/2 ounces margarita mix
2 ounces tequila
1/2 ounce orange juice
3 large egg whites
3 drops Young Living lime essential oil
Zest of 1 lime
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line 24 muffin tins with paper liners or spray with baking spray. Mix together margarita mix, tequila and orange juice in a large measuring cup. Add cake mix to mixing bowl and add egge whites, essential oil, lime zest and tequila mix. Beat on low speed for about 30 seconds until dry ingredients are incorporated and then beat on medium high speed for 2 minutes. Spoon batter evenly into muffin cups, filling about 2/3 of the way full. Bake for 20-25 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center cupcake comes out clean. Cool about 5 minutes in the pan and then cool completely on wire racks.
8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
2-3 T lime juice
2 drops lime essential oil
4 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp lime zest
3-4 drops green food coloring
Beat cream cheese and butter on medium high speed until smooth and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add 2 T lime juice and lime zest and beat until combined. Add powdered sugar 1 cup at a time, beating on low speed until incorporated. Add more lime juice if necessary. Add food coloring a couple drops at a time and beat on medium high speed until desired color is reached and icing is smooth. Pipe onto cooled cupcakes as desired.
Lime wedges, straws, and sprinkles all make festive garnishes. Refrigerate cupcakes in an airtight container if not serving immediately and bring to room temperature a couple hours prior to serving.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
So, I have a bit of an addiction to coffee. When I was pregnant the first time I craved coffee ice cream (I went caffeine free for both pregnancies) and this last time I choked down decaf. If I had an endless supply of cash I'd drink Starbucks daily but I don't so it's Folgers for me and Starbucks when I need/want a treat.
I'm a gold member at Starbucks and my kiddo doesn't know what the "golden arches" mean but she will point out the Starbucks logo and ask for banana or pumpkin bread.
Anyhow, after my caffeine-free breaks I thought I might be able to stay that way. Yeah, that didn't happen. I found that as a mom of 2, one cup of coffee just wasn't doing the trick...or two and three just upset my tummy. I refuse to drink the monsters or redbull (they're neon colored...something is just wrong about that) and tea just makes me wish I was drinking coffee.
I ended up buying 2 bottles of NingXia Red at a local YL meeting and thought I'd give it a try (I forced my husband in hopes it would help his cholesterol and BP). I didn't notice anything shocking and didn't even really like the taste at first but it's not cheap so I was going to drink the whole thing. After about a week we went on vacation so I didn't really notice a difference (and i didnt NEED anything, I was at the beach!) but I picked up this habit I was trying to get into when I returned.
I've been drinking it faithfully since, 1 shot each a.m. and have really decided I like the taste now. I didn't think that it was making a noticeable difference because I felt great and was happy. Well, we went out of town this weekend and it stayed in my fridge....BAM!! After 2 days not only was I craving some NingXia Red I was dragging!!! We got home Sunday night and I was tempted to drink some but didn't want to keep myself awake. First thing Monday morning I had some and after 2 hours of grading papers I decided to clean out and re-organize the entire garage! 4 hours later instead of emptying and re-loading the dishes I decide to wash them all by hand...(what!?!)
And the best part was I had unending energy and was SO productive. The bad part is I'm not sure I have enough left to last me until my next shipment arrives....ack!
I'm a gold member at Starbucks and my kiddo doesn't know what the "golden arches" mean but she will point out the Starbucks logo and ask for banana or pumpkin bread.
Anyhow, after my caffeine-free breaks I thought I might be able to stay that way. Yeah, that didn't happen. I found that as a mom of 2, one cup of coffee just wasn't doing the trick...or two and three just upset my tummy. I refuse to drink the monsters or redbull (they're neon colored...something is just wrong about that) and tea just makes me wish I was drinking coffee.
I ended up buying 2 bottles of NingXia Red at a local YL meeting and thought I'd give it a try (I forced my husband in hopes it would help his cholesterol and BP). I didn't notice anything shocking and didn't even really like the taste at first but it's not cheap so I was going to drink the whole thing. After about a week we went on vacation so I didn't really notice a difference (and i didnt NEED anything, I was at the beach!) but I picked up this habit I was trying to get into when I returned.
I've been drinking it faithfully since, 1 shot each a.m. and have really decided I like the taste now. I didn't think that it was making a noticeable difference because I felt great and was happy. Well, we went out of town this weekend and it stayed in my fridge....BAM!! After 2 days not only was I craving some NingXia Red I was dragging!!! We got home Sunday night and I was tempted to drink some but didn't want to keep myself awake. First thing Monday morning I had some and after 2 hours of grading papers I decided to clean out and re-organize the entire garage! 4 hours later instead of emptying and re-loading the dishes I decide to wash them all by hand...(what!?!)
And the best part was I had unending energy and was SO productive. The bad part is I'm not sure I have enough left to last me until my next shipment arrives....ack!
about me,
essential oils,
Young Living
Monday, September 1, 2014
Kidscents Round 1
So, I ordered Kidscents when they came back in stock in July. My packaged arrived the beginning of August and no kidscents :( backordered. Randomly on Friday my kidscents showed up! I was so excited to try them and so was my 3yr old who kept saying, "theyre MINE??? Just for ME!!"
We leave to go out of town and I pack my oils and the kidscents. MY oil bag somehow never left my bathroom counter but thankfully the kidscents were in one of the kid suitcases. So here we were, outdoors all weekend, staying in a hotel and no oils.
M had been sick the latter part of the week so the first thing we did was rub tummygize on her tummy. She was already feeling better when we applied it but she still asked for it. no tummy issues all weekend :)
Then since I'd forgotten my purification, I rubbed the bite buster on M as a bug repellant. Had no idea if it would work for that but I knew it had purification in it so it was better than nothing. No bites all weekend!! (don't tell M but I rubbed it on myself too after I heard family members complaining about the mosquito bites!)
M immediately developed a runny nose/cold as soon as we arrived at our destination. We go there every year and the window unit is damp and always gives us sinus issues. We applied snifflease to her nose and a little inside her nostrils and thankfully the runny nose stopped! She was still a little stuffy all weekend but no longer grabbing for tissue.
All in all it was a GREAT first weekend with kidscents! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends, back to the grind in the morning and this mom is going to need a double shot of NingXia red, I'm beat!
We leave to go out of town and I pack my oils and the kidscents. MY oil bag somehow never left my bathroom counter but thankfully the kidscents were in one of the kid suitcases. So here we were, outdoors all weekend, staying in a hotel and no oils.
M had been sick the latter part of the week so the first thing we did was rub tummygize on her tummy. She was already feeling better when we applied it but she still asked for it. no tummy issues all weekend :)
Then since I'd forgotten my purification, I rubbed the bite buster on M as a bug repellant. Had no idea if it would work for that but I knew it had purification in it so it was better than nothing. No bites all weekend!! (don't tell M but I rubbed it on myself too after I heard family members complaining about the mosquito bites!)
M immediately developed a runny nose/cold as soon as we arrived at our destination. We go there every year and the window unit is damp and always gives us sinus issues. We applied snifflease to her nose and a little inside her nostrils and thankfully the runny nose stopped! She was still a little stuffy all weekend but no longer grabbing for tissue.
All in all it was a GREAT first weekend with kidscents! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends, back to the grind in the morning and this mom is going to need a double shot of NingXia red, I'm beat!
cooler than....,
essential oils,
Young Living
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Toddler tummy troubles-win!
So I wake up in the 4s this morning and my 3 year old had snuck in bed with me. I'm normally a light sleeper but this is the first week of school and I'm worn out. I realize that she is sans-sleep diaper (she's potty trained during the day but I haven't been brave enough to try nighttime) and I asked her where it was.
Well, she'd used the sleep diaper in a major way and brought me a new one in the middle of the night but decided to just crawl in bed.
I walk her back to her room, take her to the potty and discover that she's had an upset tummy. This is the first time she's had the big D since she could walk and it's confusing to her. She keeps saying, "my poop is weird and my tummy hurts." She asked me for some oils (love that) and I grabbed my DiGize (for anything digestion-related) and rubbed it on her tummy. She said she was hungry but I was fearful it was confusion about the tummy pain and I didn't want to give her anything.
As I walked back to my room I heard a noise and was devastated to discover that my alarm was already going off. ugh.
I got ready and woke her up about an hour later. Her tummy was still bothering her but she was acting fine, not warm, etc. I put more DiGize on her tummy and she said it felt better. Packed a bland "brat style" lunch for her and sent the bottle of oil in her backpack.
They called to tell me she'd had an accident (unlike her) and her bottom was red from it. Said I didn't need to get her as she was feeling fine but wanted the protocol for her bottom. I told her about the oil and asked her to get some diaper cream I'd made from baby brother's room.
Fast forward to the end of the day, I pick up the kids and she has had "regular poop" (her words) and feels great. I checked her bottom when we got home and it wasn't pink at all.
Double-oils win! (the diaper paste is 1 tbsp coconut oil and 4-5 drops lavender)
And the bonus is I got home and my kidscents oils arrived! I'm super excited as these are already diluted by Young Living and I don't have to mix up my own little batches for the kids....stay tuned for a report on them!
Happy Labor Day weekend!
Well, she'd used the sleep diaper in a major way and brought me a new one in the middle of the night but decided to just crawl in bed.
I walk her back to her room, take her to the potty and discover that she's had an upset tummy. This is the first time she's had the big D since she could walk and it's confusing to her. She keeps saying, "my poop is weird and my tummy hurts." She asked me for some oils (love that) and I grabbed my DiGize (for anything digestion-related) and rubbed it on her tummy. She said she was hungry but I was fearful it was confusion about the tummy pain and I didn't want to give her anything.
As I walked back to my room I heard a noise and was devastated to discover that my alarm was already going off. ugh.
I got ready and woke her up about an hour later. Her tummy was still bothering her but she was acting fine, not warm, etc. I put more DiGize on her tummy and she said it felt better. Packed a bland "brat style" lunch for her and sent the bottle of oil in her backpack.
They called to tell me she'd had an accident (unlike her) and her bottom was red from it. Said I didn't need to get her as she was feeling fine but wanted the protocol for her bottom. I told her about the oil and asked her to get some diaper cream I'd made from baby brother's room.
Fast forward to the end of the day, I pick up the kids and she has had "regular poop" (her words) and feels great. I checked her bottom when we got home and it wasn't pink at all.
Double-oils win! (the diaper paste is 1 tbsp coconut oil and 4-5 drops lavender)
And the bonus is I got home and my kidscents oils arrived! I'm super excited as these are already diluted by Young Living and I don't have to mix up my own little batches for the kids....stay tuned for a report on them!
Happy Labor Day weekend!
essential oils,
Young Living
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Classroom calm
So my class after lunch is rowdy as most classes are in the afternoon. I normally diffuse lemon and peppermint (2-3 drops lemon and only 1 drop peppermint) in the morning as it's a happy and alert mix. I diffuse it intermittently so it goes off every 30 seconds.
This afternoon I decided to add in a little Peace and Calming (2 drops) and the kids noticed it immediately. I had questions from, "Hey, I want a diet coke" to "it smells like my grandma's purse." Apparently the combo reminded them of an old lady drinking diet soda (although I thought it smelled great, haha).
Regardless, guess who got to work and had the best class??? Yep, they did.
We will experiment to see if we have the same results with a different combo...maybe I could make that a science lesson but you can bet my diffuser will pay for itself this year!
This afternoon I decided to add in a little Peace and Calming (2 drops) and the kids noticed it immediately. I had questions from, "Hey, I want a diet coke" to "it smells like my grandma's purse." Apparently the combo reminded them of an old lady drinking diet soda (although I thought it smelled great, haha).
Regardless, guess who got to work and had the best class??? Yep, they did.
We will experiment to see if we have the same results with a different combo...maybe I could make that a science lesson but you can bet my diffuser will pay for itself this year!
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Baby teething gel win!!
So my 5 month old started "school" last week as I returned to the classroom. When I pick him up after the first day I'm told that they struggled getting him to take the bottle. We discussed how I feed him and we went on our way.
Day 2 I get a call around 11am that they haven't been able to get him to eat yet (his last bottle was at 6am). As he weighs 17lbs, I'm not worried about him missing a meal but I want to make sure he is hydrated. He went down for a nap and at 12:30 they tried again and he took about an ounce. I offered to leave school to feed him but we both agreed that they have to figure this out because I can't always go over there.
By 1:30 I called and suggested they apply some of the teething gel I made for him whenever he's fighting a bottle and then feed him.
I pick him up at 4 and they almost hugged me as they said "THAT WORKED WONDERS!!! WHAT IS IT?"
Score 1 for mom and Young Living!
Teething gel is just 1TBSP coconut oil and 4-5 drops of thieves.
He's still not up to 8oz bottles per sitting with them but gets at least half of that each time and is improving daily.
Day 2 I get a call around 11am that they haven't been able to get him to eat yet (his last bottle was at 6am). As he weighs 17lbs, I'm not worried about him missing a meal but I want to make sure he is hydrated. He went down for a nap and at 12:30 they tried again and he took about an ounce. I offered to leave school to feed him but we both agreed that they have to figure this out because I can't always go over there.
By 1:30 I called and suggested they apply some of the teething gel I made for him whenever he's fighting a bottle and then feed him.
I pick him up at 4 and they almost hugged me as they said "THAT WORKED WONDERS!!! WHAT IS IT?"
Score 1 for mom and Young Living!
Teething gel is just 1TBSP coconut oil and 4-5 drops of thieves.
He's still not up to 8oz bottles per sitting with them but gets at least half of that each time and is improving daily.
essential oils,
Young Living
Saturday, August 16, 2014
note to self
Don't reuse your NingXia Red bottle for lemon water.
Here's why....people will think you're drinking Vodka straight from the bottle!!!
I started teacher training this past week and had a genius idea to reuse an empty NingXia Red bottle for lemon water. I was going to be gone all day and my normal mason jar wasn't going to be enough H20 to get me thru the day. I washed and refilled the bottle with lemon water and went to work. (Side note: I'm in a new district this year and no know one). I walk into training and before I sit down someone said, "Girl you're crazy, we need to be friends." I had no idea what she was talking about and I smiled, laughed and sat elsewhere. I was assuming it was because I got there with about a minute to spare.
Fast forward to day 2 and instead of being at new teacher training, I'm with all of the other elementary teachers. I was stopped 8...yes 8 TIMES by random groups of people saying something like, "ok we've placed bets on what's in the bottle" or "why would you bring the good stuff and not share?"
The best is when my new Assistant Principal said something. (thankfully it was really funny)
Not exactly the way I wanted to make a name for myself but I got to talk about oils....alot.
Here's why....people will think you're drinking Vodka straight from the bottle!!!
I started teacher training this past week and had a genius idea to reuse an empty NingXia Red bottle for lemon water. I was going to be gone all day and my normal mason jar wasn't going to be enough H20 to get me thru the day. I washed and refilled the bottle with lemon water and went to work. (Side note: I'm in a new district this year and no know one). I walk into training and before I sit down someone said, "Girl you're crazy, we need to be friends." I had no idea what she was talking about and I smiled, laughed and sat elsewhere. I was assuming it was because I got there with about a minute to spare.
Fast forward to day 2 and instead of being at new teacher training, I'm with all of the other elementary teachers. I was stopped 8...yes 8 TIMES by random groups of people saying something like, "ok we've placed bets on what's in the bottle" or "why would you bring the good stuff and not share?"
The best is when my new Assistant Principal said something. (thankfully it was really funny)
Not exactly the way I wanted to make a name for myself but I got to talk about oils....alot.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Back to school lunches
So, unfortunately it's that time of year again and I'm sad to send my kiddos to "school." While we're excited about this new chapter in our new city, I've loved spending the last 6 months with them. Our previous school provided lunches so this is my first attempt to send lunch with my kiddos. To be honest, this is what first started me on a healthier path because I didn't want to just send my daughter to school with quesadillas, lunchables or grilled cheese everyday. I feared her lunches would all be in the tan/brown/orange family without any color or nutritional value.
So, I have a lot of ideas for what I'm going to send and I'll be sure and post successes and failures as we go along.
In preparation though, I've found some great containers and accessories that I plan to use. **I'm experimenting with links, I apologize in advance if they don't work...I'm a novice.
I found some Thermos Ice Mat, 6 Cube
packs at my local store but they also make these in 9 and 18. They were $1 per 6 cube pack. I ended up finding some other ones that looked more like ice cubes and you can cut in the size you want.
I'm still on the hunt for the right lunchbox and the Land's end ones were recommended by the crew at but, of course, I'm shopping locally if I can.
I love love love this Thermos FUNtainer Bottle, Disney Princess, 12 Ounce stays cold all day and lasts forever! It's not recommended for hot stuff because it keeps it HOT and could burn your little one's mouth but for cold stuff its AWESOME and doesn't leak!

I went to the store looking for the ziploc take along sectioned containers but my grocery store is a little smaller and I didn't have any luck. What i DID find were these awesome Sistema 21652 Klip It Lunch Plus To-Go Container
. They come in all different colors, shapes, sizes, functions. Some even have utensils that snap together. My mom first found some of these and I'm addicted now and excited about having reusable containers that won't be thrown away. You can find these at a ton of different stores and there are so many styles to choose from!

I can tell you that day 1 (and every day for awhile) he will have bottles and she (3.5yrs) will have carrots, cubed organic cheese and turkey pieces, veggie crackers, watermelon and a note from me (she can't read yet, just hoping Ms. Chrissy reads it to her).
Best of luck with your back to school lunches! I think I'm stressing about this more than my lesson plans!!!
So, I have a lot of ideas for what I'm going to send and I'll be sure and post successes and failures as we go along.
In preparation though, I've found some great containers and accessories that I plan to use. **I'm experimenting with links, I apologize in advance if they don't work...I'm a novice.
I found some Thermos Ice Mat, 6 Cube
I'm still on the hunt for the right lunchbox and the Land's end ones were recommended by the crew at but, of course, I'm shopping locally if I can.
I love love love this Thermos FUNtainer Bottle, Disney Princess, 12 Ounce
I went to the store looking for the ziploc take along sectioned containers but my grocery store is a little smaller and I didn't have any luck. What i DID find were these awesome Sistema 21652 Klip It Lunch Plus To-Go Container
I can tell you that day 1 (and every day for awhile) he will have bottles and she (3.5yrs) will have carrots, cubed organic cheese and turkey pieces, veggie crackers, watermelon and a note from me (she can't read yet, just hoping Ms. Chrissy reads it to her).
Best of luck with your back to school lunches! I think I'm stressing about this more than my lesson plans!!!
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Wanna learn more about oils?
So I get a lot of inquiries on facebook/email about this crazy oily journey I'm on. I decided to do an online video chat type of thing where I could talk about the most popular oils, how I use them, what others say about them, etc.
If you promise only to laugh with me and not at me, I'll share it with you. (excuse my messy house in the background).
Vlog on top 10 oils I love!
I'd love your feedback. I know that when I talk about Panaway I said one ingredient was Walgreens instead of Wintergreen, hahaha. oops.
Get oily people...all the cool kids are :)
If you promise only to laugh with me and not at me, I'll share it with you. (excuse my messy house in the background).
Vlog on top 10 oils I love!
I'd love your feedback. I know that when I talk about Panaway I said one ingredient was Walgreens instead of Wintergreen, hahaha. oops.
Get oily people...all the cool kids are :)
about me,
essential oils,
Young Living
Friday, August 8, 2014
Holy Bug Bites!!!
So I had no plans to post anything about this topic. However, my husband and I just returned from a trip to the Bahamas. I had every intention of traveling with a whole supply of oils. However, I had to get the kids oils ready and instructions written for the grandmas who are not oil familiar with which oils to use for what. This meant I wrote a small book for them and after getting everything ready to go, I didn't go to bed until 1:30am and had to be up by 3:15am.
Needless to say, in my sleep-deprived state, I left with only the oils I had in my purse.
Fast forward to day 4 of our vacation and we had dinner at an outdoor pizzeria on the resort property. I noticed the hostess stand had multiple bottles of Off on the counter. (Some regular and some deed free). Well I haven't used bug spray since we started on our oils so I didn't think anything of it.
About 20min into dinner I was slapped on the arm by someone who saw a mosquito on it. She got it and I got up to get bug spray. I opted for the "deet free" as I'm trying to be more natural. I sprayed it from the knees down and on my arms.
The next morning I woke up with a vicious itching sensation EVERYWHERE!!! My ankles were swollen from itching in my sleep and you can see some of the bites in this photo.
By the end of the afternoon I'd counted 52 bites from the knees down (we were in the pool/ocean most of the day so I had plenty of time to count). Thankfully the saltwater helped a bit but at one point I just stuck my legs out in the sun (from the knee down) and actually hoped my legs would burn because I'd rather have pain from a sunburn than this itch!
All I had with me was Panaway and Lava derm sunburn spray. I applied these and the lavaderm helped but I still itched. My husband bought benadryl creme and it did nothing. I walked around barefoot as much as possible because my flip flops made the bites itch.
Anyhow, I'm now on day 5 of bites and day 2 at home with purification and my bites are slowly going away but I can go without itching finally!!!! Never again will I leave without purification. It now has a permanent place in my purse!
Needless to say, in my sleep-deprived state, I left with only the oils I had in my purse.
Fast forward to day 4 of our vacation and we had dinner at an outdoor pizzeria on the resort property. I noticed the hostess stand had multiple bottles of Off on the counter. (Some regular and some deed free). Well I haven't used bug spray since we started on our oils so I didn't think anything of it.
About 20min into dinner I was slapped on the arm by someone who saw a mosquito on it. She got it and I got up to get bug spray. I opted for the "deet free" as I'm trying to be more natural. I sprayed it from the knees down and on my arms.
The next morning I woke up with a vicious itching sensation EVERYWHERE!!! My ankles were swollen from itching in my sleep and you can see some of the bites in this photo.
By the end of the afternoon I'd counted 52 bites from the knees down (we were in the pool/ocean most of the day so I had plenty of time to count). Thankfully the saltwater helped a bit but at one point I just stuck my legs out in the sun (from the knee down) and actually hoped my legs would burn because I'd rather have pain from a sunburn than this itch!
All I had with me was Panaway and Lava derm sunburn spray. I applied these and the lavaderm helped but I still itched. My husband bought benadryl creme and it did nothing. I walked around barefoot as much as possible because my flip flops made the bites itch.
Anyhow, I'm now on day 5 of bites and day 2 at home with purification and my bites are slowly going away but I can go without itching finally!!!! Never again will I leave without purification. It now has a permanent place in my purse!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Quick baby congestion testimony!
There are very few things you can/should use on a baby regardless of if we're talking oils, OTC or perscriptions. Since I started my oily journey, my pediatrician and I talk alot more. He supports my efforts to keep my family happy and healthy but wants to be very involved when it comes to oiling up my youngest. He was very specific about where and what oils I could apply topically for the baby as anything you apply externally will be absorbed.
My son sneezed a LOT in the hospital and all of the staff said it was normal. Well, he basically never stopped. My kiddo has allergies and I constantly use saline and the bulb syringe.
My 3.5yr old started to show symptoms of a cold and I was so worried my 4 month old would get it. I knew I couldn't treat him the same way I did his sister.
When he started to show congestion I decided to diffuse RC. I was especially worried since he hadn't started breathing out of his mouth yet. I started the diffuser and closed the door, put him down about 30 minutes later and after he was in his crib for about 20 minutes I heard him in the monitor take a deep breath thru his nose. He slept thru the night and woke up fine, didn't even have to do saline and bulb syringe the next morning.
RC is now my go-to for anything congestion with my kids!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Shout out to moms of all shapes and sizes
I'm having one of those rare moments when both of my children are resting....AT THE SAME TIME. I found myself thinking, "what do I do now?" and then immediately started laughing at that statement. The reason I laughed is because the answer to that question is ridiculously overwhelming and unending.
I've always struggled when I felt overwhelmed. In college, when everyone else was cramming for exams during "dead week" I found myself out enjoying things. Not because I was overly confident or prepared for the upcoming exams but because the realization of everything I had to do what a bit too much. So what did I do? I decided to do the opposite of prepare.
As the end of the summer is less than a week away, I've found myself doing the exact same thing...not preparing. It's like I'm clinging to my time to be lazy and willing to suffer the consequences later. Like I'm rebelling against the stress and anxiety that I'd probably have if I wrote down the "to do" list swimming in my head.
The end of the summer is an odd mix of feelings for any teacher. On one had we are excited to get started on the classroom and put our summer "pinning" into action, on the other hand we loathe the idea of an alarm clock, coffee on the run, lunch at the printer, only checking email at the end of the day.
This being my first year as a mom of 2 and my first time in the classroom in almost 6 months, these extremes are bigger and since I'm going to a new district, new school, new grade level and new state expectations....well, nervous is the word.
I'm nervous that I won't spend the time I need/they deserve kissing my kids in the morning, dressing them, making them a healthy breakfast and sending them to "school" confident and ready. I'm nervous that if I do spend that time with them that then my students and my teaching will suffer. I'm nervous about the evenings and getting the nighttime routine down so that they don't stay up until all hours of the night (even though that means less time with them). I'm nervous about overwhelming my husband with "my needs" now that I'm working and being able to ask for help. I'm nervous about our high maintenance dog and what the heck we're going to do with him.
But with all that nervousness, I'm thankful.
I've learned with our son and being home these past 6 months that I'm not cut out to be a stay at home mom, at least not right now. I don't have the discipline or the budget to do it.
My time at home consisted of many extremes. Either I'd go too long without showering or putting on a bra or I'd have my kids in the car for too long and we'd spend too much $ and come home tired and cranky. Add in some post partum hormones, potty training, teething and moving and you've had a crazy 1/2 year.
I won't lie, when we moved to this house and had our son, I prayed that my husband would bring up the idea of me staying at home full time. I didn't want to bring it up because he is a "fixer" and would find a way to make it work, but I wanted it to be a joint decision rather than finding a way. Ultimately because I carry the insurance for the kids and myself, I decided to accept a position closer to home.
This was the right decision for me and for our family.
What I've come to realize is that there's no "right way" to be a mom. A stay at home mom isn't a better mom, a working mom isn't a better mom, a single mom isn't a better mom...what makes a mom great is how she loves her kids. As much as I wish that I had what it takes to stay home with them and teach them, nurture them, cook/clean/drive and provide for them all of the time, I've realized that I will still do that...just during different hours. I can still be a great mom to them and hopefully a great teacher to other kids.
I just want to give a shout out to moms...all moms. Being a mom is an amazingly challenging and rewarding job and you're doing an incredible job....all of you.
And as I transition from a stay at home mom back to a working mom, I'm going to try to be less nervous, more loving and remember that I'm still a great mom...even if my kids socks don't match or their lunch is missing a food group. I'm going to go put on some motivation oils and maybe do some laundry until they wake up....(or maybe I'll watch Bachelor in Paradise).
I've always struggled when I felt overwhelmed. In college, when everyone else was cramming for exams during "dead week" I found myself out enjoying things. Not because I was overly confident or prepared for the upcoming exams but because the realization of everything I had to do what a bit too much. So what did I do? I decided to do the opposite of prepare.
As the end of the summer is less than a week away, I've found myself doing the exact same thing...not preparing. It's like I'm clinging to my time to be lazy and willing to suffer the consequences later. Like I'm rebelling against the stress and anxiety that I'd probably have if I wrote down the "to do" list swimming in my head.
The end of the summer is an odd mix of feelings for any teacher. On one had we are excited to get started on the classroom and put our summer "pinning" into action, on the other hand we loathe the idea of an alarm clock, coffee on the run, lunch at the printer, only checking email at the end of the day.
This being my first year as a mom of 2 and my first time in the classroom in almost 6 months, these extremes are bigger and since I'm going to a new district, new school, new grade level and new state expectations....well, nervous is the word.
I'm nervous that I won't spend the time I need/they deserve kissing my kids in the morning, dressing them, making them a healthy breakfast and sending them to "school" confident and ready. I'm nervous that if I do spend that time with them that then my students and my teaching will suffer. I'm nervous about the evenings and getting the nighttime routine down so that they don't stay up until all hours of the night (even though that means less time with them). I'm nervous about overwhelming my husband with "my needs" now that I'm working and being able to ask for help. I'm nervous about our high maintenance dog and what the heck we're going to do with him.
But with all that nervousness, I'm thankful.
I've learned with our son and being home these past 6 months that I'm not cut out to be a stay at home mom, at least not right now. I don't have the discipline or the budget to do it.
My time at home consisted of many extremes. Either I'd go too long without showering or putting on a bra or I'd have my kids in the car for too long and we'd spend too much $ and come home tired and cranky. Add in some post partum hormones, potty training, teething and moving and you've had a crazy 1/2 year.
I won't lie, when we moved to this house and had our son, I prayed that my husband would bring up the idea of me staying at home full time. I didn't want to bring it up because he is a "fixer" and would find a way to make it work, but I wanted it to be a joint decision rather than finding a way. Ultimately because I carry the insurance for the kids and myself, I decided to accept a position closer to home.
This was the right decision for me and for our family.
What I've come to realize is that there's no "right way" to be a mom. A stay at home mom isn't a better mom, a working mom isn't a better mom, a single mom isn't a better mom...what makes a mom great is how she loves her kids. As much as I wish that I had what it takes to stay home with them and teach them, nurture them, cook/clean/drive and provide for them all of the time, I've realized that I will still do that...just during different hours. I can still be a great mom to them and hopefully a great teacher to other kids.
I just want to give a shout out to moms...all moms. Being a mom is an amazingly challenging and rewarding job and you're doing an incredible job....all of you.
And as I transition from a stay at home mom back to a working mom, I'm going to try to be less nervous, more loving and remember that I'm still a great mom...even if my kids socks don't match or their lunch is missing a food group. I'm going to go put on some motivation oils and maybe do some laundry until they wake up....(or maybe I'll watch Bachelor in Paradise).
Monday, August 4, 2014
Granola from scratch from someone who doesn't like granola!!
I'm all about trying to give healthier versions of our favorite foods when it comes to feeding my family. I found a meal plan online for kiddos and it included this recipe and used it several different ways: as cereal, on yogurt, in a smoothie, etc. My little 3.5yr old chef and I gave it a shot.
I loved this and so did my 3.5yr old! It was an easy recipe for her to help with as it just has a lot of mixing, stirring and pouring. It made my house smell FANTASTIC! It didn't make an enormous amount like most granola recipes which is awesome because we actually ate it all before it went bad (lasted us about 2 weeks).
Shout out to the crew at 100 Days of Real Food for coming up and sharing this one. I adapted it a bit.
Granola Cereal
makes 3 lbs
Recipe adapted from Anson Mills and 100 Days of Real Food
- 3½ cups rolled oats
- 1 cup raw sliced almonds
- 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
- ½ cup raw sunflower seeds
- ½ cup raw pumpkin seeds
- 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 1½ teaspoons ground ginger
- ½ teaspoon grated or ground nutmeg
- 6 tablespoons unsalted butter
- ½ cup honey
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- ½ teaspoon salt
- Also need – parchment paper
- Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Cover a rectangular baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Mix the dry oats, almonds, coconut, seeds and spices together in a large mixing bowl.
- Heat the butter and honey together in a small saucepan over low heat. Once the butter melts stir in the vanilla and salt.
- Pour the hot liquids over the dry ingredients and stir together with a rubber spatula until evenly coated.
- Spread mixture onto prepared pan in one even layer. Bake for 75 minutes.
- The granola will become crisp as it cools at which point you can break into pieces (if making bars) or break it up into small chunks by pounding it in a zip lock bag (if making cereal). Store in air tight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Fighting the sweet tooth and post-baby body with Lemon Water!
So I've never been great at drinking water. I don't have a problem with it, I just never remember to do it and would always grab something else when given the choice...flavor, right? I'd always take the lemon out of my water if it was served that way at a restaurant. Mainly because I like drinking with straws and would always end up sucking a seed up the straw and at a college job I knew of several wait staff/bartenders who probably shouldn't have touched the garnishes for drinks without an extra wash of the hands.
When I started my journey with oils one of the first things I tried was a few drops (just 1-2) of lemon in my water. A big mistake I made was drinking this in a plastic cup with a plastic straw. Why is this bad? Well, the lemon oil is pure essential oil (EO) and potent and it breaks down the chemicals in I probably have some of that in me now, lol. If you inflate a balloon and put a drop of lemon EO on it, said balloon will pop. If you put a drop of lemon EO on sytrofoam and let it sit, the oil will eat it. The same happens with your cup. So, you should always drink lemon water out of a glass or stainless steel cup and if you are a straw gal like me, they make stainless steel straws!! Another benefit for the straw is when you first try the lemon water, it can tickle/tingle your lips and with a straw you avoid this. Lemon EO is also photosensitive meaning you should never put it on your skin if you are going to be in the sun (lips included) so use carefully.
A drop or two of lemon EO is great in a cold beer (in a frozen glass mug)!
I've noticed is that I'm less likely to grab an oreo or something sweet if I'm drinking lemon water so any time I get a sweet tooth, I have a glass of this and then I'm good! If I still go for the sweet after that, I get less of it since I just drank an entire glass of H20 and my hopes are that the lemon water breaks down the calories before they sink in, hahaha. (one can dream, right?)
I'm getting close to my pre-baby weight but I don't own a scale so I'm not sure what that is...I just focus on how I feel and how my clothes fit :)
My 3.5yr old loves lemon water, SCORE, and I'm slowly transitioning my husband to oily water from those squirt things you put in it! It's a journey but we're on our way!
Lemon EO has a TON of uses and I love to diffuse it and make my house smell's my work oil as when it's diffusing I am productive!! Check out my Pinterest board on oils to see more uses!
**The information in this blog is only about Young Living Essential Oils. I only advocate the use of Young Living Essential Oils and cannot speak for any other oil product on the market.**
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Cooking with Oils: Margaritas!
Caution...this recipe is amazing. No, I wouldn't consider a margarita on my healthy list....HOWEVER, it's good for my mommy time! (and that provides me some mental health).
I have some famous margaritas ya'll. This is going to be one of those "Trust Me" things. I usually get asked for the recipe when I make them and it's your lucky day because I'm going to share it with you! These are served on ice, not frozen.
MC's Famous Ritas
1 can frozen Bacardi margarita mixer
1 can or 12oz sprite (I use sprite zero...just tastes better in these)
1 bottle of Corona
Tequila (preferably not the white kind)
fresh lime
optional: lemon or lime essential oil*
Empty frozen Bacardi mixer can in a pitcher and smush with a wooden spoon. Fill the empty can about halfway with tequila. Add can of sprite. Stir until all frozen chunks have dissolved. Slowly pour corona as to not foam. Stir and pour over ice. Garnish with a fresh lime.
** This step can only be done if you're drinking out of a glass or stainless steel cup (no plastic). If you want the mix sweeter add 1 drop of Young Living lime essential oil. If you like it a little less sweet add 1 drop Lemon essential oil.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Placebo effect and decide
So I have friends and family who are asking me about the "hippie oils" I use. I think this is awesome. I don't like to broadcast my use of oils and the benefits of it other than this blog because I don't want to look like a saleswoman. I think most of my friends don't even know I have a blog! Occasionally I'll make a comment on FB or I'll have an oil with me and use it when I'm with someone but other than that I try not to make a huge deal about it.
Not that I don't WANT to but I get annoyed that I'm constantly bombarded with sales tactics from my friends who earn extra income with whatever product they recommend.
It's not a bad thing for them and I wish I had enough money to throw around and buy something to help them with their business. But, I'm a teacher and a mom and that just isn't in the budget.
I've had friends tell me that oils are just placebo. That it's all in my head and there's no real effect.
Well, I'm not a scientist (but I do teach science) and you know what...they could absolutely be right. I have no scientific evidence that oils work. I also have no scientific evidence that the migraine medicine I used to be on worked. But the fact is, you could have scientific evidence that a pain reliever gets rid of a headache or a nausea medicine makes you feel normal but anyone who has ever had a headache or been pregnant can tell you that it doesn't always work.
Most of the time when someone asks me about oils and really wants to know, it's because there is something going on with them or someone they know and whatever they're trying isn't working. A lot of the time they're at the point where they'll try anything. It's such a compliment when someone comes to me in need because it shows a lot of trust in my friendship as they often are sharing things that are going on in their lives that they wouldn't tell just anyone. Not only am I humbled by this act but I'm so happy to help and try to get them as much information as I can.
To be completely honest, I don't really care if this is all a placebo effect because that is working for us. If it's placebo effect that an oil just got rid of an awful rash my 5month old had on his back from an exploding diaper that went everywhere....well give me more placebo because it's not there anymore. If it's placebo that some stress away, pan away and NingXia red helped me feel normal/functional after having a few too many glasses of wine the night before...good lord, bring on the placebo.
I'll tell you one person who IS using it as 3.5yr old. Everyday she tells me about something that is wrong and wants oils. Yesterday it was that her back hurt and she wanted oils (she's seen me use them on her daddy's back who has a crushed S2) or her throat hurt and she wanted oils (my neighbor loves the thieves). She knows that the green bottle (peppermint) is her magic potty potion, the pink oil (Joy) goes in her diffuser to help her sleep and the purple oil (Valor) is what she gets to put on in the morning. As a mom, we're at the age where when I ask "where does it hurt?" she can tend to be a little dramatic and say, "it hurts EVERYWHERE." Or she can come up with some interesting ailments that need curing.
I'm so happy that I have a natural alternative that I can use on these "ailments" that won't harm her and can satisfy her placebo-desires.
Not that I don't WANT to but I get annoyed that I'm constantly bombarded with sales tactics from my friends who earn extra income with whatever product they recommend.
It's not a bad thing for them and I wish I had enough money to throw around and buy something to help them with their business. But, I'm a teacher and a mom and that just isn't in the budget.
I've had friends tell me that oils are just placebo. That it's all in my head and there's no real effect.
Well, I'm not a scientist (but I do teach science) and you know what...they could absolutely be right. I have no scientific evidence that oils work. I also have no scientific evidence that the migraine medicine I used to be on worked. But the fact is, you could have scientific evidence that a pain reliever gets rid of a headache or a nausea medicine makes you feel normal but anyone who has ever had a headache or been pregnant can tell you that it doesn't always work.
Most of the time when someone asks me about oils and really wants to know, it's because there is something going on with them or someone they know and whatever they're trying isn't working. A lot of the time they're at the point where they'll try anything. It's such a compliment when someone comes to me in need because it shows a lot of trust in my friendship as they often are sharing things that are going on in their lives that they wouldn't tell just anyone. Not only am I humbled by this act but I'm so happy to help and try to get them as much information as I can.
To be completely honest, I don't really care if this is all a placebo effect because that is working for us. If it's placebo effect that an oil just got rid of an awful rash my 5month old had on his back from an exploding diaper that went everywhere....well give me more placebo because it's not there anymore. If it's placebo that some stress away, pan away and NingXia red helped me feel normal/functional after having a few too many glasses of wine the night before...good lord, bring on the placebo.
I'll tell you one person who IS using it as 3.5yr old. Everyday she tells me about something that is wrong and wants oils. Yesterday it was that her back hurt and she wanted oils (she's seen me use them on her daddy's back who has a crushed S2) or her throat hurt and she wanted oils (my neighbor loves the thieves). She knows that the green bottle (peppermint) is her magic potty potion, the pink oil (Joy) goes in her diffuser to help her sleep and the purple oil (Valor) is what she gets to put on in the morning. As a mom, we're at the age where when I ask "where does it hurt?" she can tend to be a little dramatic and say, "it hurts EVERYWHERE." Or she can come up with some interesting ailments that need curing.
I'm so happy that I have a natural alternative that I can use on these "ailments" that won't harm her and can satisfy her placebo-desires.
essential oils,
Young Living
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Fighting the cold without medicine Testimony!
I've been using oils for a few months now and thankfully we haven't had any trips to the doctor other than "well checks" for my almost 5 month old.
We went out of town for a 4 day get away with family and the first morning we woke up (Monday) at home, my 3.5yr old had a nose like a faucet and was coughing/hoarse. great.
The sick part of me was excited to have a good reason to try oils because as any mom knows, if you take your kid to the doctor with these symptoms on Day 1 with no fever they are just going to tell you it's a virus and send you home $30 poorer.
So, I put Young Living Thieves in the diffuser, rubbed Thieves neat (undiluted) on her spine and the bottom of her feet. I added Peace & Calming to her big toes and got her settled on the sofa with a pillow, doll, blanket, Doc McStuffins and lots of tissues. I didn't put anything on the baby but moved his exersaucer near the diffuser.
At lunch I put lavender on a q-tip and rubbed it along the inside of her nostrils like you do with a Zicam swab (she did NOT like this...she once got a peanut stuck in her nose and now hates anything in her nose)
Her nose stopped running in less than 30min and I knew she could smell again because she said the house smelled like Christmas!! She felt so much better that afternoon that I was a little bummed I didn't get more "quiet time" haha.
I didn't do the lavender in the nose again but continued the rest for 3 days and alternated between Thieves, Purification and RC in the diffuser. On Thursday evening my son was congested, ugh! He hadn't started breathing out of his mouth yet so I feared that it was going to be a LONG night. I moved my diffuser to the nursery and put RC in it. I let it go in his room for about a half hour before putting him down. After a half hour in his crib, I finally heard him take a deep breath!! I couldn't believe it!
No one ended up sick!! Yay oils!
At this same time my neighbor was complaining of a terrible cold. I made her the Cold/Flu bomb recipe, the morphine bomb for headache and gave her Thieves tea. I think she's now obsessed with the tea, haha!
Young Living
Monday, July 28, 2014
Cooking with oils: Iced Lemon Pound Cake-EO version!
So I love to cook with my 3yr old, I love essential oils and I love Starbucks! These are 3 things that don't always go together but I found a recipe that combines them!!
This recipe was adapted from who adapted a recipe from On Sutton Place.
Iced Lemon Pound Cake-EO Version!
1 3/4 c. milled soft wheat flour, or 1 1/2 c all purpose
1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
3 eggs, room temperature
1 c. organic sugar or sucanat
2 T. butter, softened
1 t. vanilla
1 lemon
8 drops of Young Living Lemon Essential Oil
1/2 c. coconut oil, melted
1 c. powdered sugar
2 T. milk
2 drops Young Living Lemon Essential Oil
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease metal 9x5 loaf pan
Whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
In a separate bowl, combine eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla, lemon juice and Young Living Lemon EO with a mixer. (The recipe originally called for 1/3 c lemon juice but I only had 1 lemon.)
Pour dry ingredients into wet ingredients and blend until smooth.
Add melted coconut oil and Mix well.
into prepared loaf pan and bake for 45 -50 minutes or
until toothpick comes out clean. Cook 20-25 min for cupcakes.
Remove from oven and let set 3 minutes.
While cooling, prepare glaze in a small bowl.
Remove cake from pan, apply glaze, and allow to cool completely on a wire rack.
I sliced this after it cooled as we each had a piece and I mailed a few pieces to a friend as part of a "thank you" for sending my little chef some cooking equipment. I will say that after a day of the cake being sliced it dried out some so if you're not serving this cake at a party I'd only slice out the pieces you're eating in order to keep the cake un-dry (I can't stand the M word that most people would use here).
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Homemade Shower Cleaner
I haven't tried the Thieves cleaner yet as it has been out of stock but I made my own shower cleaner and it works really well.
Dawn dish soap
White vinegar
I don't remember the exact recipe as I usually just eye-ball it but one key is to microwave the works really well when the mixture is warm.
I add about 8-10 oz of hot vinegar, enough dawn dish soap to make it blue coconut in color (a few tbsp) and the rest warm water.
Caution: the fumes are not let little ones play in the bathroom while using this.
So, I put this in a spray bottle and spray the heck out of my shower. I let it sit for 5 min or however long I have to and then I take a shower using a wet washcloth to scrub around (you don't need to work hard, you're just wiping it around. I also take an empty pitcher so i can fill with water and rinse my glass shower door.
After the shower be sure to squigee (sp?) the door.
This works great even if you have hard water and I've also used it to clean my sink!
Dawn dish soap
White vinegar
I don't remember the exact recipe as I usually just eye-ball it but one key is to microwave the works really well when the mixture is warm.
I add about 8-10 oz of hot vinegar, enough dawn dish soap to make it blue coconut in color (a few tbsp) and the rest warm water.
Caution: the fumes are not let little ones play in the bathroom while using this.
So, I put this in a spray bottle and spray the heck out of my shower. I let it sit for 5 min or however long I have to and then I take a shower using a wet washcloth to scrub around (you don't need to work hard, you're just wiping it around. I also take an empty pitcher so i can fill with water and rinse my glass shower door.
After the shower be sure to squigee (sp?) the door.
This works great even if you have hard water and I've also used it to clean my sink!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Life in balance
I'm no health food expert. I don't have a magic pill/potion/drink that makes you healthy without putting in any effort. I don't have any certification or credentials that should make you believe anything I say. What I do have is a lot of family members with opinions (all who love to read and research) and I have friends on all ends of the "health" spectrum.
I've always bounced around when it comes to weight and "size." I've never considered myself as someone others would reference as healthy but I don't think I've been in the unhealthy category either. I'm a typical female in that I always want to be healthier and look better than I do.
What makes me different than the average female is that I don't look in the mirror and see a version of myself that I dislike. I'm a positive person and a silver lining seeker and I've always liked what I've seen in my reflection.
Why is this a bad thing?
Because it makes me rationalize every decision to have a piece of cheese, glass of wine, ice cream and anything other than exercising or making a healthy choice.
I've tried diets, juices, fad programs, supplements and crazy tactics. Thankfully I never dedicated a tremendous amount of effort to anything other than happiness. When I started dating my husband, I realize that it wasn't about how I looked but about how I felt.
I read and follow a lot of healthy people blogs. I try to stay up to date in the battle of the GMO and what I should/shouldn't give my children. I don't think there are enough hours in the day to know everything you need to know. When I research and learn about healthy habits/lifestyle the one thing I'm always coming back to is balance.
Ultimately there is no cure for laziness, there's no perfect solution that fits everyone's needs and everyone's lifestyle. And think about it...if a pill existed that could make you fit and healthy without doing anything....would you really want to take it? What the heck would you be taking?
My journey for a healthier lifestyle is all about balance. I love essential oils and I've started drinkin NingXia Red daily. I believe that they help keep my family happy and healthy. I love cooking. I believe that I can cook a healthier meal from scratch than I can from a box. I love to be outside. I would rather burn calories playing with my family than going to the gym.
If my kids get really sick, I'll take them to the doctor and I'll leave there with a perscription. I'll try oils for what I think is a reasonable amount of time and then I'm giving them modern medicine (hopefully we won't get to that point). I love to cook for my family but I will always have a box of macaroni in my pantry and when my choice is to spend time with my kids or spend time alone in the kitchen, I will always choose my kids. And when it comes to exercise, I love to spend time with my kids but I will happily choose to sacrifice burning a few calories to picking up my camera and capturing a precious moment or two.
It's about balance. It's about making a healthy choice and understanding what is a sacrifice and what is not.
There are plenty that are far past me in this journey for healthy and what I consider a sacrifice may not be on their radar...and that's okay! I challenge you to find the balance in your life whether it is financial, emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual or professional. It's about the journey, the experience, the lessons and the memories. I hope yours are filled with laughter and love.
I've always bounced around when it comes to weight and "size." I've never considered myself as someone others would reference as healthy but I don't think I've been in the unhealthy category either. I'm a typical female in that I always want to be healthier and look better than I do.
What makes me different than the average female is that I don't look in the mirror and see a version of myself that I dislike. I'm a positive person and a silver lining seeker and I've always liked what I've seen in my reflection.
Why is this a bad thing?
Because it makes me rationalize every decision to have a piece of cheese, glass of wine, ice cream and anything other than exercising or making a healthy choice.
I've tried diets, juices, fad programs, supplements and crazy tactics. Thankfully I never dedicated a tremendous amount of effort to anything other than happiness. When I started dating my husband, I realize that it wasn't about how I looked but about how I felt.
I read and follow a lot of healthy people blogs. I try to stay up to date in the battle of the GMO and what I should/shouldn't give my children. I don't think there are enough hours in the day to know everything you need to know. When I research and learn about healthy habits/lifestyle the one thing I'm always coming back to is balance.
Ultimately there is no cure for laziness, there's no perfect solution that fits everyone's needs and everyone's lifestyle. And think about it...if a pill existed that could make you fit and healthy without doing anything....would you really want to take it? What the heck would you be taking?
My journey for a healthier lifestyle is all about balance. I love essential oils and I've started drinkin NingXia Red daily. I believe that they help keep my family happy and healthy. I love cooking. I believe that I can cook a healthier meal from scratch than I can from a box. I love to be outside. I would rather burn calories playing with my family than going to the gym.
If my kids get really sick, I'll take them to the doctor and I'll leave there with a perscription. I'll try oils for what I think is a reasonable amount of time and then I'm giving them modern medicine (hopefully we won't get to that point). I love to cook for my family but I will always have a box of macaroni in my pantry and when my choice is to spend time with my kids or spend time alone in the kitchen, I will always choose my kids. And when it comes to exercise, I love to spend time with my kids but I will happily choose to sacrifice burning a few calories to picking up my camera and capturing a precious moment or two.
It's about balance. It's about making a healthy choice and understanding what is a sacrifice and what is not.
There are plenty that are far past me in this journey for healthy and what I consider a sacrifice may not be on their radar...and that's okay! I challenge you to find the balance in your life whether it is financial, emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual or professional. It's about the journey, the experience, the lessons and the memories. I hope yours are filled with laughter and love.
about me,
call to action,
essential oils,
open letters,
Friday, July 25, 2014
Potty Training Testimony!
When she was 18mo old she would come to me and say "pee pee" and I was NOT ready for potty training, plus I thought there was no way SHE was ready. Regardless, I ordered supplies: disposable potty liners for non-home pottys, toilet seat with potty seat attachment (I was not doing a portable potty...gross), step stool for getting on/off the potty and washing hands, potty training book, sticker chart, etc. Talked to my pediatrician who said to wait until she was old enough to pull her pants up/down so we decided to wait. The summer after she was 2 we started talking about the potty.
We started changing her diapers in the bathroom, talking about where our pee-pees and poo-poos go and bought big girl panties.
She was also at daycare and they requested pull ups and said she'd potty train with all of the other kids as she was moving up in classrooms.
She did great at school, very few accidents. Home was a different story. She HATED the potty.
I did the 3 day potty training during a break from school. It turned into 5-day before we quit. Basically they go nude from the waist down so they learn what accidents feel like and start to become aware of what is happening. Well my kiddo could care less! She'd pee/poop on the floor and either point it out like it was no big deal or just leave it and keep playing. She started whining and saying she wanted her diapers, she didn't want to be a big girl, she was still a baby, etc. (Side note: I should mention that I was 4 months pregnant at this time).
Around November she started regressing at school and EVERY DAY would come home with multiple soiled outfits from school. We were about to put our house in the market and I was 6 months pregnant and having to deal with this at the end of the work day was too much. I'd heard about regression with potty training whenever life changes and we were about to move, our dog passed away and a new baby was on the way so this momma said "Forget it!" We will worry about it when all of these things are behind us.
Fast forward to spring. New house, new dog, new baby brother and she's now 3. I was home on maternity and we talked about the potty alot. All of our friends/family knew to encourage it. Our neighbors had a 3yr old as well and he was fully potty trained. She would occassionally pee in the potty but only for candy and only after a negotiation and 30 min sitting there...she HATED the potty. She'd have dirty diapers around her friends and not care, even when they said "whats that smell?"
Summer and now I'm into oils. I'd read that peppermint oil was good for constipation (I drop in the potty) and I shared this with my husband (Side Note: peppermint oil is also good to help you breathe again when someone spends some quality time in the loo). We get home from a weekend trip and he decides to take her potty. I gave him the "voodoo oil" and told him 1 drop. She pee pees in the potty and she washes her hands. I'm in the other room and she runs in naked from the waist down asking where Daddy is and it turns out she pooped in the potty after he left her. "maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was the oils...either way who cares Woohoo!"
We start the potty training process with a LOT of accidents...EVERYWHERE. She was embarassed, didn't want anyone to see, ashamed, etc. I started applying 1 drop of Stress Away and 1 drop of valor on my index finger and rubbing them on her wrists.
The days I forgot...we had hidden accidents...GROSS. The days I remembered she wanted to show me what was in the potty...oh great, haha. When she started showing pride in the potty I switched to just Valor. She never had a poop accident, THANKFULLY, and a month later we only have diapers for the baby...WOOHOO!!!
I use Valor when she is having a fussy day/tantrum, when we're going some place she doesn't want to go, when we're about to have a playdate.
This momma loves some VALOR!!!
terrible-funny-or terribly funny,
Young Living
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
If you're my friend on facebook you've already heard this story, but it's a big enough deal for me to post it twice. This is my testimony on how Stress Away helped me in a REALLY stressful situation. I use this EO on myself when my baby is teething or when my daughter is being 3, haha. I apologize in advance for the long post but I tell long stories as I really want you to "feel my pain."
Picture this. You're a mom of a 3.5yr old, a 3 month old (who doesn't like their carseat) and a dog who suffers from seperation anxiety/throws tantrums (like ripping the curtains off the wall) when he's left alone. You plan out the day:
- get all 2 legged and 4 legged children changed, pottied/diapered, fed and have a toy for the car.
- get diaper bag ready for 3 mo old and for newly potty trained/nervous in public restroom 3.5yr old
- load the car with 3 tubs of clothes to take to consignment store
- get coffee (should've been #1)
- get items 1-4 done by 9am so you're not all in the car when it's hot outside.
I should mention that we have a 4 car garage. I's excessive but whenever I get pregnant my husband buys an old car. I should also mention that I have an irrational fear of jumper cables as I was burned when trying to start a sea doo in high school. Leak in fuel injection system+spark from battery when cables were attached=fire and me rushed to the ER with 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree burns on hands, face, neck. (I didn't have eyebrows, lashes or nose hair for awhile)
Ok, so I call husband (who was 45 min away) and he explains where a spare battery is in the garage. WHAT!? I don't even know how to check the oil. I follow instructions and manage to hook up the car battery to spare battery without freaking out....shaking, yes...but i did it. Keep in mind it had just rained, it was comfortable temp in the garage and the windows were down so my kiddos were fine and asking me a gazillion questions.
It didn't work. It charged enough for the headlights to come on but thats it.
I turned on the battery operated fan attached to the 3mo old carseat as he was starting to remind me that he hates his carseat.
Husband suggests putting the Tahoe in neutral and pushing it into the driveway. I'll give you a moment to stop laughing. Husband offers to come home and I said, no...I'm going to figure this out.
Yeah, that didn't happen. I called 2 neighbors to see if their husbands were home and one was on his way, SCORE!
In the meantime, I try again with the jumper cables and realize they can reach to husband's camaro parked next to me. I try to start the car again...nope. I ask husband, "isnt' the other car supposed to be on?" he said it doesn't have to be. Neighbor arrives and we take the kids out of the car and she takes them inside (his camaro has a different engine in it and its SOOO loud). And he suggests turning the camaro on (like I said in the first place...duh).
It starts!!!! Holy moly I AM AMAZING!!!! I thank neighbor profusely, load everyone back up in the car and start the day. Shockingly this whole process only took a little over a half hour and I was able to go about my day.
I kept giving my husband the opportunity to say what an amazing wife/mom I am as I think most women would say, "honey, you better come fix my car!" I think I got a high-five later, haha. It's ok, I constantly remind him that he married a superhero.
Stress Away is one of my favorites and to me it smells like vanilla.
If you're my friend on facebook you've already heard this story, but it's a big enough deal for me to post it twice.
Picture this. You're a mom of a 3.5yr old, a 3 month old (who doesn't like their carseat) and a dog who suffers from seperation anxiety/throws tantrums (like ripping the curtains off the wall) when he's left alone. You plan out the day:
- get all 2 legged and 4 legged children changed, pottied/diapered, fed and have a toy for the car.
- get diaper bag ready for 3 mo old and for newly
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Post Partum/Mommy Pain Testimony
I think I'm like a lot of moms in that I tend to put myself last. Not that I want it to be that way, but I think when you become a mom you experience guilt and worry like never before. Like if I take time to go do something for myself I'm somehow a bad mom.
Well, this second testimony is out of order for me but I wanted to share it early! I'll be honest, I didn't apply oils to myself very often in the beginning because 1) I never had time 2) I didn't want to waste the oils on myself 3) I was too busy with "life" to think about what I needed help with.
When my son was about 6 weeks old I developed this awful pain in my right shoulder. I've never been someone who got "knots" anywhere and whenever I've gotten a massage it's been purely for relaxation and pampering, never for an ailment, etc.
Husband gave me a gift certificate for a spa 2 Christmases ago and I still hadn't used it. This pain in my shoulder was hurting dinner I just put my head down on the table one night in pain. He started rubbing my shoulder and found a ton of knots!!! I tried ice, heating pads, hot showers, tennis ball between me and the doorframe, husband working them out nightly but nothing seemed to be working. I finally called the spa and said I need help. They recommended a deep tissue massage focused on that area. I'd never had one and heard that they hurt but at this point I was willing to try anything.
I figured the knots were coming from feeding my little one and always holding him more with my right arm + looking down, etc.
I went for my 90 minute deep tissue massage with 60 of those minutes dedicated to my shoulders and specifically my right one. I was prepared for it to hurt and focused on it as "good pain." The gal was pushing on my shoulder with her elbow and hands and stretching my arms all over. She said I had way more knots than she expected but none of them were huge, just a ton. I learned that you have to apply direct pressure rather than rub and the knot should release.
The massage ended and I felt good (any mom will tell you 90 min in a quiet dark room will make them feel good in itself!) but I wasn't in pain....when she elbowed my rear end a few times that hurt but nothing really hurt my shoulder as bad as the pain normally does. I went home expecting this to be one of those "feel worse before it gets better" things. The next day I was in pain EVERYWHERE but my shoulder felt the same and I kept thinking, "why doesn't it hurt worse?" I felt like I had bone bruises on other parts of my back, my butt hurt and my legs were sore but my shoulders had no change. I called the spa and they said to give it a few more days. Nope. Everything else got better and no change in the shoulder. Called back and they said I must have a severe case and they recommended weekly deep tissue massagess....WEEKLY??? Seriously? It took me over 2 years to use this gift certificate and you think my schedule has now opened up MORE since I had a second child? Fat chance.
I'd had my oils for a several weeks at this point and never used them on myself really (other than diffusing). I had a rollerball on my Panaway oil because I'd been using it on my husband's back and one night after a few tears he suggested he try it on me....duh!! He rolled it on my shoulder before I went to bed and I smelled like toothpaste/mint gum. I woke up the next morning and I was AMAZED!!! I could move my neck and arm (both of which had been so bad I had limited range of motion) and it felt GREAT!! I felt so stupid for not trying it earlier. I was so productive that day that my shoulder was especially angry that night and Panaway again was my relief!! There was no "maybe it was the oils" with this one!!!
Now, I should say that I still have these knots. I haven't tried anything else on them or gotten another massage because I'm a mom and haven't dedicated the time....BUT...when the pain flares up I FINALLY have something that gives me relief. And I smell great!
Well, this second testimony is out of order for me but I wanted to share it early! I'll be honest, I didn't apply oils to myself very often in the beginning because 1) I never had time 2) I didn't want to waste the oils on myself 3) I was too busy with "life" to think about what I needed help with.
When my son was about 6 weeks old I developed this awful pain in my right shoulder. I've never been someone who got "knots" anywhere and whenever I've gotten a massage it's been purely for relaxation and pampering, never for an ailment, etc.
Husband gave me a gift certificate for a spa 2 Christmases ago and I still hadn't used it. This pain in my shoulder was hurting dinner I just put my head down on the table one night in pain. He started rubbing my shoulder and found a ton of knots!!! I tried ice, heating pads, hot showers, tennis ball between me and the doorframe, husband working them out nightly but nothing seemed to be working. I finally called the spa and said I need help. They recommended a deep tissue massage focused on that area. I'd never had one and heard that they hurt but at this point I was willing to try anything.
I figured the knots were coming from feeding my little one and always holding him more with my right arm + looking down, etc.
I went for my 90 minute deep tissue massage with 60 of those minutes dedicated to my shoulders and specifically my right one. I was prepared for it to hurt and focused on it as "good pain." The gal was pushing on my shoulder with her elbow and hands and stretching my arms all over. She said I had way more knots than she expected but none of them were huge, just a ton. I learned that you have to apply direct pressure rather than rub and the knot should release.
The massage ended and I felt good (any mom will tell you 90 min in a quiet dark room will make them feel good in itself!) but I wasn't in pain....when she elbowed my rear end a few times that hurt but nothing really hurt my shoulder as bad as the pain normally does. I went home expecting this to be one of those "feel worse before it gets better" things. The next day I was in pain EVERYWHERE but my shoulder felt the same and I kept thinking, "why doesn't it hurt worse?" I felt like I had bone bruises on other parts of my back, my butt hurt and my legs were sore but my shoulders had no change. I called the spa and they said to give it a few more days. Nope. Everything else got better and no change in the shoulder. Called back and they said I must have a severe case and they recommended weekly deep tissue massagess....WEEKLY??? Seriously? It took me over 2 years to use this gift certificate and you think my schedule has now opened up MORE since I had a second child? Fat chance.
I'd had my oils for a several weeks at this point and never used them on myself really (other than diffusing). I had a rollerball on my Panaway oil because I'd been using it on my husband's back and one night after a few tears he suggested he try it on me....duh!! He rolled it on my shoulder before I went to bed and I smelled like toothpaste/mint gum. I woke up the next morning and I was AMAZED!!! I could move my neck and arm (both of which had been so bad I had limited range of motion) and it felt GREAT!! I felt so stupid for not trying it earlier. I was so productive that day that my shoulder was especially angry that night and Panaway again was my relief!! There was no "maybe it was the oils" with this one!!!
Now, I should say that I still have these knots. I haven't tried anything else on them or gotten another massage because I'm a mom and haven't dedicated the time....BUT...when the pain flares up I FINALLY have something that gives me relief. And I smell great!
cooler than....,
essential oils,
Young Living
Monday, July 21, 2014
Baby Testimony w/oils Cradle Cap, Sleep and Teething
So the reason I found my blog again was because I wanted to document my journey to a healthier lifestyle and being a better parent. Shockingly, in our previous house I had very few framed photos of anyone and until about a week ago I actually didn't own a single wedding photo from our wedding!! (Side note: our daughter was 9 months old when we got married and it was in December so her first Christmas and life took priority. Our photographers were amazing and we've already paid for a few photo books/prints we just have yet to pick out what we want! Thankfully an online photo printing shop had a promo for some free prints so I took advantage and we now have 2 wedding photos framed, lol). I've been trying to frame pictures of our kids, pets, family, us and am making progress with all of these goals...yay me!
N-E-way....the main reason I looked up oils was for my kiddos and brand new baby. I ordered a "kit" and I felt like I just fell into the sucker sales pitch trap but it really was the best deal and I got all of the most frequently used oils by the "cool kids" plus a diffuser and samples (I didn't know what a diffuser was, lol).
I'd done more research about what oils to start with (**my sponsor sent me a reference guide for signing up and I now continue this practice so if you're considering oils, let me know!) both in our FB group and with my reference guide and I knew to start small. I'd ordered a few oils on top of my kit to get the free oil promotion that month (and because I'm all about free stuff) and one was an oil that was recommended to help the cradle cap I mentioned in a previous post. (melrose)
With the first bath I added 1 drop of Melrose to my coconut oil and for the first time in his 4 weeks of age, after his bath there were no gross flaky things on his head!!! My thought was... "maybe it was the oil, maybe I've used coconut enough times to get rid of it, maybe it was luck" regardless of the reason, I didn't care because I had a baby with a normal looking scalp!
He was 4 weeks and would eat at 11p-3a-7a. I only used the melrose or melealeuca on his head during shampoos and didn't apply anything else to him for a week because I was nervous. I diffused Peace & Calming after a few days and was shocked as my kids took a nap AT THE SAME TIME and FOR MORE THAN 20 MIN I HAD ME TIME!!!!
The beginning of week 6 for my little one I put lavender on his big toes for the first time. HE SLEPT THRU THE NIGHT...I woke up i a panic and immediately checked to see if he was breathing...yup, we're good and again thought "maybe it was the lavender, maybe it is a miracle, maybe he's the best baby ever, maybe it's a fluke" and I don't care I'm doing again! The only times he hasn't slept thru the night since were when we were transitioning him from cradle in our room to crib in his room and I was also transitioning him out of a swaddle blanket. (remember, he's almost 5 months now).
Fast forward to week 9. My good baby is suddenly a HANDFUL! Whiny, needy, fussy, drooling so much that we are changing outfits several times a day and trying to eat his hand. What the?? Yep, you guessed 9 WEEKS! (Side note: my first didn't teeth until month 7 and only had 1 tooth at her first b-day so I was not expecting this at all). It was around 7pm, hubby was somewhere (don't remember) and it was just me and the kids and the baby was FREAKING OUT. My 3.5yr old was now crying because her ears hurt from the baby crying. I had the baby tylenol in my had ready to give him some and something inside me stopped and said, "if you're going to give these oils a try, you have to give them a chance." So I said...ok, I'll try this and I'll give it 5 min (lol) if he's still crying I'm going to meds. I put lavender on his toes, mixed it with coconut and put it on his earlobes and then held the open bottle between us to smell as I rocked him and we both cried. Within 1 minute he stopped crying all together and in less than 5 he was ASLEEP!!!! I freaked out in both happy and paranoid ways and thought "maybe it was the lavender, maybe he finally tired himself out to fall asleep" either way I didn't care.
As his teething has progressed and he's getting close to actually cutting his first tooth (and I've done more research on oils) I've made my own teething cream and I use 1tbsp coconut oil for several (4-5) drops of thieves and put that directly on his gums with my finger or I put it on a cold wet washcloth for him to gnaw on. I also will apply copaiba neat (straight) on his gums as an alternative.
I was lucky that my first didn't have teething issues but it's definitely different this time around and I'm not a fan of anything that has the risk to numb their throat/tongue or actually medicate/sedate them. I'm so thankful that I found Young Living.
I should also mention that my skeptical husband, who refers to my oils as "voodoo oils" has said to me multiple times, "ok, I'm ready for you to put the voodoo oils on him" haha!
These are the actual YL lavender fields, so pretty!
essential oils,
Young Living
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Catch phrase...Essential Oils
So, unless you've been living under a rock you've probably heard people talking about Essential Oils. It seems to be the new thing the cool kids are doing. I also drank the punch of all things Essential Oils (will call them EO from this point) and I wanted to document my journey and learning curve in this oily adventure.
I've been using EOs for almost 4 months now, I started just a few weeks after my son was born. To avoid being a book, I'll try to keep this post focused on why I started looking into EOs and why I went the direction I did.
I've always loved to make stuff but I'm creatively challenged...this makes being a teacher difficult, thankfully Pinterest exists. Two years ago I found a recipe to make your own bug spray and I bought my first bottle of Lavender EO for this. Friends loved this for their kiddos and I shared the recipe a gazillion times.
Well, one of my new neighbors was making homemade body scrub for friends and asked if I had any EOs she could borrow. I let her borrow my lavender and I noticed it didn't smell the same as it did when I'd first gotten it. I started to research this and learned alot...let me bullet point some interesting things I learned:
This week 3 of my son's life and he's going on his 2nd week of cradle cap. My daughter had cradle cap and we were able to use the little hospital comb and massage the baby shampoo and it was manageable. Well...not the case for this boy. I asked for help in a FB mom's group, asked friends and family and tried everything: hospital+shampoo (got the top layer off only), olive oil (just made it greasy), head and shoulders (nothing), baking soda paste (nope) and then I read about coconut oil. I asked my neighbor and she is in love with coconut oil and let me borrow some....BAM! Not only did the flakes come off but now my newborn smelled like a pina colada...bonus! Unfortunately, it came back but the coconut oil helped get it off.
I talked to a friend of mine who'd been using EOs and has 3 kids and she encouraged me to research and she'd answer what questions I had....and the obsession began. I looked up the bottle I was used to purchasing, the MLM brands I'd heard of and found several bloggers did comparisons. I read and read for a week and a half (this replaced my reality TV obsession and it's what I did during feedings and while both kids napped). I ended up going with a company called Young Living.
Before I dive into this, let me first say I am NOT marketing against any other company...I'm sure they all have their great parts, I'm just listing the reasons why I chose the company Young Living.
As I'm writing this 4 months in I already have a lot of success stories and "maybe it was the oils, maybe it was luck" and I'll post them separately.
Oh, and my MIL called me a hippie and told me I better not stop shaving my legs...
I've been using EOs for almost 4 months now, I started just a few weeks after my son was born. To avoid being a book, I'll try to keep this post focused on why I started looking into EOs and why I went the direction I did.
I've always loved to make stuff but I'm creatively challenged...this makes being a teacher difficult, thankfully Pinterest exists. Two years ago I found a recipe to make your own bug spray and I bought my first bottle of Lavender EO for this. Friends loved this for their kiddos and I shared the recipe a gazillion times.
Well, one of my new neighbors was making homemade body scrub for friends and asked if I had any EOs she could borrow. I let her borrow my lavender and I noticed it didn't smell the same as it did when I'd first gotten it. I started to research this and learned alot...let me bullet point some interesting things I learned:
- the FDA doesn't regulate Essential Oils.
- an oil can say 100% pure on it as long as it has 5% essential oil in the bottle!! (this means it has pure oil and is diluted in the bottle but the company doesn't have to list what it's diluted with!)
- some EOs have "for external use only" type of warnings on the label
- as with other "organic" "natural" type of products, there is no regulation of these type of labels and the companies can basically put what they want on there. This is true for so many products on the your research!
- many EOs have added fragrances to them (can contribute to allergic or site reactions..or in my case, headaches!)...oh, and they don't have to list this on the label
This week 3 of my son's life and he's going on his 2nd week of cradle cap. My daughter had cradle cap and we were able to use the little hospital comb and massage the baby shampoo and it was manageable. Well...not the case for this boy. I asked for help in a FB mom's group, asked friends and family and tried everything: hospital+shampoo (got the top layer off only), olive oil (just made it greasy), head and shoulders (nothing), baking soda paste (nope) and then I read about coconut oil. I asked my neighbor and she is in love with coconut oil and let me borrow some....BAM! Not only did the flakes come off but now my newborn smelled like a pina colada...bonus! Unfortunately, it came back but the coconut oil helped get it off.
I talked to a friend of mine who'd been using EOs and has 3 kids and she encouraged me to research and she'd answer what questions I had....and the obsession began. I looked up the bottle I was used to purchasing, the MLM brands I'd heard of and found several bloggers did comparisons. I read and read for a week and a half (this replaced my reality TV obsession and it's what I did during feedings and while both kids napped). I ended up going with a company called Young Living.
Before I dive into this, let me first say I am NOT marketing against any other company...I'm sure they all have their great parts, I'm just listing the reasons why I chose the company Young Living.
- I'd seen friends have success with it (as elementary as that sounds, word of mouth is very important to me...what my friends recommend impact my purchases of baby gear, recipes I cook, vacation spots I travel to, doctors I choose, restaurants I try, places we go, gifts I give, etc)
- You can visit their farms. They have a "seed to seal" guarantee which means they pick the seeds, plant the seeds, grow them, harvest them, distill them, bottle them and you are welcome to visit and see any part or all of this process. Open door policies are cool.
- They've been in business for more than 10 years (I don't doubt the validity of new companies but I like to give a company enough time to see if people get mad at them and see how it's all handled...drama queen in me? maybe)
- I don't have to leave my house to get it (this goes along with my obsession with Amazon Mom/Prime and how I can shop in my pjs)
- I read about success with cancer and Frankincense (had no clue what that was other than it was brought to sweet baby Jesus). I basically googled Frankincense and cancer and found a dr with the University of Oklahoma (gasp) doing research and having success fighting cancer with this and it specifically lists the YL Frankincense. Cancer's in my family...anything showing progress with this scores MAJOR points for me.
- It is a MLM (multi level marketing) which initially made me want to walk away. (Side note: I've been a "rep" for a beauty product MLM and I loved their makeup/skin care, etc BUT you had to buy several hundred dollars worth of products every quarter in order to maintain your "rep" status. And it was always the new season stuff...seriously...what am I going to do with eyeshadow set that is bright green and royal blue? Maybe if I'd been able to pick how I was going to spend my $...maybe..anyway I never made any $, I did get a discount on what I wanted but I ended up spending a FORTUNE and had a TON of products I didn't know what to do with...finally ended up throwing them away...sad face). Anyhow, when I found this out I asked a LOT of questions to the gal I knew and here's why it's ok. 1) you don't sell anything. 2) you get 24% off. 3) the only requirement to keep your discount is spending $50/year. 4) you don't HAVE to buy anything specific (no preset packages like my previous MLM) spend that $50 on what you want, when you want it. 5) you don't do the "parties" candle, makeup, bag, food, jewelry etc..(i.e. you don't have to monopolize your friends/facebook/coworkers etc and be "that girl"). There IS a business side to it and plenty of people make money with (basically you get a check if you refer a if you do have someone who drinks the punch like you did, you want them to list you as your referral).
- the drama that I mentioned in a previous bullet, I found a lot of negativity being spewed toward people in the company. Saw another company and strong competitor was formed from previous employees and has almost identical names for their products (a lawsuit was involved). People were questioning the religious beliefs of the founders. I found all of this interesting and it didn't bother me because as a mom, what I was looking for were lawsuits against the company for false claims, damages, injuries, etc. Didn't find that. It did make me feel better to know that it is a company with Christian founders/leaders but that had nothing to do with my decision. Because lets be honest, I have no idea who founded the products I buy for my kids or what their religious affiliation is (Chicco, Homedics, Pampers, Huggies, Enfamil, Carter's, Fisher Price, Baby Jogger, etc). This did, however, entertain me for awhile and made me realize that people attack each other's character when they can't attack "what they're selling."
- my pediatrician. My pedi is the type who will always give me the "home remedy" or "wives tale" to try and also write me a prescription for when those don't work (his words), haha. I asked him about how he feels about EOs. He told me he gets approached by parents all the time trying to "enlighten him" on their favorite stuff and he always looks into it. He asked, "are they the ones with the nutrition labels on them?" I didn't know the answer. He told me, I've talked to a lot of holistic doctors and read a lot and if you're going to pick someone, stay away from the ones that say "for external use only" BECAUSE children's skin is so soft, they absorb things easily. Even if you're only applying it externally, it will absorb internally. With other baby products, they are regulated but since these aren't that's what I would look for. Also, if it has a nutrition label or says "supplement" usually both, it's met the requirements for food (ingesting) but that is for adults NOT the kids. His stance on the use of EOs is that he thinks they are great for mood, temperament, staying healthy, sleep, emotional needs, etc. However, when someone is sick....and not just has some annoying symptoms, he chooses modern medicine. I agreed. I left with a promise not to put oils IN my kids but ON my kids and he said always diffuse or apply feet first and then maybe wrists, tummies, etc but to use a tiny amount of oil and a large amount of judgement and common sense.
As I'm writing this 4 months in I already have a lot of success stories and "maybe it was the oils, maybe it was luck" and I'll post them separately.
Oh, and my MIL called me a hippie and told me I better not stop shaving my legs...
cooler than....,
essential oils,
Young Living
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